Letters and Meddling Headmasters

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   'My Dearest Master,
I miss you terribly and I wish I was with you and not here. My nightmares have gotten worse since I have come back to Hogwarts. Thank you for sending me my new collar, Master. It has really helped because Dumbledore has been asking questions about this past summer. Please write soon Master. I miss you.
   Your Loving Pet,

   Lucius smiled as he re-read the letter from his precious pet before writing his reply.
   'My Little Phoenix,
I miss you as well, Pet. Don't worry, Master will be there soon and you'll never have to worry about nightmares again. Your handwriting seemed a little sloppy. Are you feeling alright? As far as Dumbledore goes, I wanted you to be protected because I knew he would question you. Please stay safe, Pet. Write back to me as soon as you are able to.
   Your Loving Master,

   Lucius sent off his letter with his eagle owl, Artemis. "Oh, Harry. My sweet little phoenix. Soon. Very soon. You'll see."
   Harry received the letter the next morning at breakfast, already opened. He stormed up to the head table. "You're reading my mail now?!"
   "Now, my boy. It is necessary that-" Dumbledore started.
   "Necessary?! According to the School Rules and Regulations, page 496, paragraph 32, Section E; 'All mail will be checked for Dark curses, Portkeys, as well as other dangerous artifacts.' Nowhere does it state that the Headmaster has the right to read a student's personal letters!"
   Dumbledore was in shock that his 'Golden Boy' had just yelled at him and defied him. Severus Snape was having a difficult time trying not to laugh at the look on the Headmasters face. Harry turned sharply on his heel and stormed to the room of requirements.
   'My Dearest Master,
I should have been more careful. Dumbledore has been reading my letters before I get them. Forgive me, Master. As for my handwriting, the new defense professor has been making me write lines with a blood quill. Please hurry Master. I'm so scared and alone here. Please.
   Your Loving Pet,
   "Dobby! Take this letter to Lucius Malfoy, please. Thank you." Harry watched as the house elf popped away before falling to his knees and into a sobbing ball of agony.

Okay, guys. New story brought to you via the voting tally. Hope you like it. I plan on putting smut early on in the story so tell me what you think. Also, I'm stuck on Veela Tears. Give me ideas please on what you think I should do.
Love you guys.

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