chapter two

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Sam Wilkinson POV

I walk into Gilinsky's house. Johnson and his bags were all packed in the hallway, "Guys, I need a favour" I say, walking into the kitchen.

"What's up?" Johnson asks, eating a spoonful of cereal.

I knew if I told them what Kayden did, they'd beat the shit into him so it wasn't exactly a favour, "Kayden cheated on Georgia" I say , showing them my phone with the picture.

I watch Gilinsky as his jaw tightened and he clenches his fist. He was protective over Georgia specially because she was the only girl in their small family since there was no dads or other brothers, "I want to beat the shit into that poof!" Jack says, giving the phone back.

"Me too" Johnson says. He grabs his cereal bowl and puts it in the sink,"We have one hours so we better make it quick"

I smirk. I knew I didn't have to ask for them to do this, "He lives two blocks away" I tell them.

We walk out the door and over to Kaydens house. It didn't take long. Kayden was sitting on the porch bench with some girl. He moves on quickly,"Kayden!" Johnson screams as we march over.

"I don't want to cause an-"Kayden begins as he stands up. Gilinsky hits him straight in the jaw. The girl he was with watches us.

Johnson and I kick his sides. I grab onto his collar and pins him up against the wall, "What made you think you could cheat on Georgia and get away with it?" I growl as I bang him against the wall.

"It was a mistake!" He screams. The blood was dripping down his nose.

"Don't give us that shit!" Gilinsky warns, "If your going to mess with my little cousin, your going to have to get past us three first "

"That girl wasn't even hot" Johnson says. I glare at Johnson. He wasn't helping, "WHAT!? I'm just saying"

"That girl was me!" The girl that Kayden was with says, "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend.. "

"Julia.. Please.. She was nothing" Kayden breaths.

My anger got even worst. I knee Kayden in the place that it doesn't shine and he falls to the ground,"This isn't the end, Kayden"

His face was covered in blood and he groans in pain, "Your a lot hotter in real life without the orange wallpaper on your face" Johnson turns to the girl. Her mouth widens.

"Move on, Johnson" I push him forward as Gilinsky follows behind. As we walk on, that Julia girl was screaming and shouting at him.

The walk back to Gilinsky's house was quite but we we're all still raging. No one messes with Georgia specially not a rainbow faggot like Kayden.

"Jack, your going to have to clean your knuckles" I say as I notice Gilinsky's bruised knuckles. Gilinsky had a strong punch unlike Johnson and I so he usual did most the fighting.

Gilinsky nods, agreeing as he walks into his kitchen and cleans his hand in the sink. Johnson and I lay on the sofa,"I've been waiting to hit that rainbow queer the second I seen him" Johnson says, chuckling. He was saying what we were all thinking.

"Same" I chuckle. I wonder how Georgia took the breakup. She wasn't herself whenever I was at her house last night.

Jack walks into the living room, cleaning the water off his knuckles,"When do you think Georgia will find out about the fight?" Gilinsky says, laughing.

A hear bang comes from the front door,"ARE YOU GUYS STUPID?" Georgia screams as she marches into the living room.

"I guess now.." Johnson chuckles. Gilinsky and I burst out laughing.

Just Friends ( Sam Wilkinson / Magcon )Where stories live. Discover now