Trail of Blood

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- Story Two -

I lay on my back, staring up at the white ceiling from the bed I had to stay in until morning.

I would feel safer locked in the bathroom.

I rolled over to see my toy trunk in the corner of the room. Various toys were scattered around it, all of which were facing me. I like to have them keeping watch over me.

I rolled over again to look back up at the ceiling then exhaled loudly. After sitting up and looking around my small room to be sure nothing was there, I layed back down.

It would be so much easier if I didn't need sleep. If I could stay up all night, watching for anyone or anything wishing to harm me or my family.

What goes on while I'm sleeping?
Who could be watching me?
Who could be plotting against me?
Who could be planning my murder?

I shivered and closed my eyes.
Images of masked threats and hollowed human corpses swirled in and out of my thoughts.

A shadow shot passed me as I opened my eyes.

Again I sat up and looked around.
I took a deep breath and stood up.
I walked around my room once more, and once I had confirmed that nothing was there, I went back to bed.

I was about to climb into my bed when a thought crossed my mind.
What about under the bed?

I got down on my knees and peered underneath.

There lay my worst nightmare.
A distorted face looked back at me. It's nose, teeth, and smile were all pointy. It wiggled its fluffy eyebrows at me. As I was about to scream, it reached out a long, scaled arm and wrapped its long pointy fingers around my neck. I gasped for air as it yanked me under with it, it's nails digging deep into my neck...

...leaving a trail of blood.

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