I missed him.

I missed the way he'd flinch when I placed my palm on his thigh during lessons. I missed the way he'd flinch as I ran my fingers along his arm while he tried to focus. I missed the way he'd shiver when I touched him, and write me a note saying I was distracting him.

I missed the way his eyes shyly moved up to mine, the green in them. All I could see was his hoodie now, and it wasn't hard to understand how I never noticed him back then. Back when he didn't matter to me.

Hell, I even missed his house. I missed the way we'd play basketball, one on one. I missed the feeling of his lips against mine. I wanted to go so much further with him. But with Harry, I was willing to wait. Though, the feeling of not having him for the past few days, even if it was just to hug him, has escalated my need for him by a mere million.

I missed those moments when his silly facade would break as I kissed him, and he'd wrap his arms around me and push me against a wall. When his fingers would lightly trace my spine, and he'd back away with wide eyes when I moaned. I missed the sight of his blush when his fingers accidentally brushed my chest.

And I missed his smile, his dimples, his laugh. Fuck, did I miss Harry.

That was all I thought of as I stared at him from across the room. And for the first time in the past few days, the seat beside him was neither empty nor occupied by Liam.

This time, it was Ellen.

The sight of the bitch made me scowl automatically, and I was pretty sure with the rate at which I was going, that I was simply going to glare holes through the back of her head for the entire lesson.

"Miss Skye?"

I tore my eyes away from Harry, turning to the teacher. My eyes darted around the entire room, curious eyes gazing at me expectantly. Bianca? Bianca was no help. The girl was drooling on my arm beside me. I winced and pushed her face off, facing the teacher again.

"May I help you?" My head cocked to the side, and I frowned lightly when giggles erupted from the lips of most girls, the boys simply chuckling lightly.

"Question six, Amelia. To the board, please?"

To be quite honest, my textbook wasn't even open. I had no idea what topic we were treating, or even the page it was on.

I walked steadily to the front of the class, glancing at the old man staring at me. I grabbed a book from a girl who sat in front, and she seemed to sit up straighter when I murmured a 'May I borrow this?"

For the first time this week, I could actually feel Harry's gaze piercing into my back, and when I turned to look at him, he didn't even bother looking away.

I sighed softly,"Question six, you said?"

The man nodded and I frowned lightly, my eyes scheming through the book until I landed on the sixth question. I confidently rewrote the question, reading through a few times.

Then,"Yeah. This is as far as I can go."

The class broke into fits of laughter, and I looked to see just Harry staring at me with an
intense gaze. I wasn't sure whether it was me they were laughing at, or rather the fact that I couldn't answer the question, but either way, I was no where near embarrassed.

Hell, I wasn't even trying. I was just not in the mood. But when my eyes met Harry's a second time, he furrowed his brows and nodded towards the board with a small smile.

It didn't take long for me to notice it was one of the topics we had already covered during tutoring, and I sighed. Honestly, I just didn't feel like thinking. I rolled my eyes as I worked out the problem on the board, turning to the teacher and handing the marker over.

"Next time, pay attention, else you get a detention." He said, seeming disappointed with the fact that I'd gotten it correct.

"Excuse me, I got it right, didn't I? So what makes you think I wasn't paying attention?" I shot back, walking to my seat. I looked at Harry, but this time, he didn't look at me. He just watched his table with a proud smile.

It gave me butterflies, and overloads of satisfaction.

I was going to make things right between us.

The rest of the day passed by swiftly, and I was running to Calvin to make sure everything was right. The look on Harry's face when Calvin approached him had me cracking up, but then it changed from surprise. He looked genuinely terrified.

That just broke my heart, because I knew Harry did have cause to look so scared.

I gave Calvin a thumbs up as I watched the pair from my car, and he nodded lightly at me.

I scrambled to my feet when I heard the car pull up, my eyes schemed over the room to check if everything was in place.

Flowers, food, I turned the tv on. I said a silent prayer, only hoping that Harry would see my efforts and accept my apology.

I heard their muffled voices, before the door was pushed open and Harry stepped in with his hoodie off.

"A-Amelia?" He questioned softly.

I sucked in a breath,"Harry." I started,"Before you say anything, just please. Watch this." I grabbed his hand and moved him over to a couch. His steps were cautious, but at least he didn't bolt.

"Okay, I should-"

"No," Harry screamed, making me flinch at how desperately he didn't want to be alone to me. He looked at me sympathetically, and bit his lip, and I sighed while nodding.

I pressed play, my eyes on Harry as he watched with confusion etched in his eyes. They were pictures. Pictures of Harry and I, pictures of quotes, pictures of things I had written just now. 

I smiled at the picture of Harry shooting a basketball, and I looked to see him with a soft smile. There was a picture of Harry frowning, while I stuck my tongue out and ate, imitating the way he ate. There was a picture of Harry covering his face while I took a picture of us. There were tens of pictures where he didn't even realize I was taking pictures. There was one of Harry and Anne which I'd taken only a week ago. There was the picture from our first date, as he watched the waterfall, when we had our first driving lesson, even a picture of me tickling him while he squirmed beneath me.

I bit my lip as I turned to him, watching his reaction. Harry's cheeks were rosy as he turned to me, and a smile pulled at his face.

"You mean so much to me, Harry. I'm so sorry about the other day. I miss you so much, you have no idea. I mean, if Calvin is here, you should know how much you mean to me." I chuckled, and Harry giggled softly. "I'm so sorry, Harry. Could you forgive me? Because I can't do this anymore, it hurts." I whispered.

"Of course I forgive you, Amelia. I'm sorry for overreacting. It's just- I hate being branded as different, you know?" He shook his head,"I promise to tell you soon."

"It's okay, Harry. Whenever you're ready," I whispered and cleared my throat,"Harry Edward Styles," I stood,"I hate it when Ellen looks at you, and I hate to even think of anyone else looking at you like that. And, I've never felt so much for anyone before. But, this nerd has definitely captured my heart, so Harry, will you please be my boyfriend?"

By now, I was stood directly in front of him, with a huge smile on my face. But that smile was wiped off immediately he uttered the next word.


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