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"CAP'N, we've arrived," a young alien called out to his superior. The eight-eyed boy was only ten, but had been recruited for the mission when he was left to die on a foreign planet. He was the only one who knew how to fly these advanced ships, after all.

An Earthen girl of Pakistani descent looked up from the maps scattered around her, nodding to him in gratitude. "Thanks, Janiorce."

Amal Lesley Abney looked out to the black planet in front of them, sighing tiredly. How many more planets would they have to search to find her?

Janiorce bounded up to Amal with determination, his multicolored eyes shining with a fire that Amal was barely able to uphold anymore. "Let's go kick The Shadow's butt!"

Amal chuckled, ruffling his bright blonde hair. "I'd love to do that, trust me, but you have to remember that The Shadow doesn't really have a physical form. We can't touch them, but they can touch us. It'll be best if we just try to avoid them, as always."

Janiorce didn't really ingest the info, for he had heard it over and over from Amal. Of course, he understood why. Her girlfriend had gone missing, and Amal simply didn't want to loose anyone else.

"I have a good feeling about this planet!" Janiorce cried. Amal watched as all eight of his eyes blinked in sync, his irises changing to the color of orange. She was fascinated with his species, but being an orphan with no one like him around, both were left clueless to what Janiorce was.

"How could you have a good feeling about a planet infested with The Shadow?" Amal questioned, frowning in confusion.

"No, not that type of good, silly! I mean, I feel like we'll find your girlfriend and her team this time!"

Amal looked back to the daunting sphere in front of them, her frown deepening as her hope faded some more.

"I really hope we do, Janiorce. I'm sure Pidge would love you."

ayyy have a short chapter for now. the following meme was brought to you by the wonderful teabagval .


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