Chapter 4

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When Rory made it back to New York she hit the ground running. There was so much she has to do in such a short time. The first thing that has to be done is head into work to do a quick look over and turn her latest story into her boss. Thank goodness for long flights she was able to catch a good amount of sleep. She quickly made her way from the airport to the Conde Nast office and up to her floor and to her office. She quickly pulled out her laptop powering it up. As she waited she stood up and walked to grab a cup of coffee before heading back to her desk. By the time She arrived it was ready to go quickly opening the document she begins to go over her story. By the time she was finished it was the perfect time to head to her bosses office as this seems to be his slowest time of the day. Approaching the door she knocks  waits briefly and enters.

“Hey, Rory welcome back how was Australia?” her boss asks looking up from the articles he is currently looking over to make sure they are ready for print.

“It was fantastic Wyatt. I had an amazing time bungee jumping and the hot air balloon ride was breathtaking at that time of evening. It was called the twilight trip. ” She explains taking a seat in front of her bosses desk. Her boss is a character. Working for travelers magazine had it’s perks. They do not judge her for her hair or tattoos or even the clothes she wears.

“I'm glad to hear that. Do you have your story ready for me?” He questions holding  his hand out to her. Wyatt loves Rory’s outlook on life and her go out and get it attitude. It was what made her one of his best extreme sports reporters they have on staff.

“I do in fact. I have already double checked the wording and layout to make sure it's up to par.” she replies happily handing over the articles.

Wyatt smiles and says “Now that you're back I think this deserves a celebratory dinner and we can go over your next assignment.”

“Sounds perfect…What do you have in mind?”

“We can talk about it over dinner. Right now go home get some sleep and let your mom know you're back.”

“Awesome, I will do that now and I will see you later Wyatt.” she replies standing up and leaving the room.

Rory quickly makes her way back to her office. She grabs her things and makes her way home. Rory loves to travel but sometimes it is just nice to be at home and relax.When she pulls into her driveway she grabs her belongings and heads inside to her bedroom where she throws her bags on her bed and pulls out her phone and dials her mother's number.

“How long were you going to leave me in the dark and not tell me about having another life in the land down under? I thought I raised you better than that!”

“Sorry Mom, it was a little crazy down there between gravity trying to shove my face into the cement, living to tell the tale or the nectar of the gods that honestly rival Luke’s. I seriously need their recipe!”

“Blasphemy! There is no other coffee that can compete with Luke's coffee! Unless you brought me a sample I will never believe you!”

“ Anyways… do you want to continue the banter or do you want me to talk about the real reason I called because otherwise I have a bubble bath that has my name on it.”

“Ok ok…. tell mommy all about your dance with death.”

“It started with sky diving…” Rory begins

“No daughter of mine would even utter the phrase.”

“Shoosh… let me tell you the tale of this woman not related to you.”

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