Chapter 1

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Yes, I know it's short it is only the first chapter.Listen to the song while you read it makes it better (I listened to it while writing) Every Chapter will have a song to go with it please listen to them while reading(THX) Also Please comment, suggest and vote.

    A Gunshot shatters the silence of the cold night.

"You thought you could get away with stealing from the Dark Knights, from me?" A menacing voice whispers into the traitor's ear.

"N-no I-I'm sorry," The feeble voice of the traitor answered.

"Sorry?" A humorless laugh followed the furious reply.

    The sound of metal smacking against a palm is the only sound that can be heard besides the rustling leaves under the executor's feet while the bruised and bloodied traitor stares at his captor with pleading eyes. 

"Sorry doesn't cut it" A murderous voice states with a note of finality.

    In one quick flick of the wrist, it's over blood dripping down the traitor's body from a deep gash on his throat.

Ebonys P.O.V

"Ebony," I hear my best friend call from the trees.

"Mist you ready to go Scar's coming after getting rid of the body,"I answered smiling at my best friend.

"Bipolar much? Smiling after what you've done well, I should be used to it by now but any way Of course I'm ready  It's two days until you and Ash take over as leaders of the Dark Knights so tonight we are going to hang before you have to deal with meeting the gang," She replies throwing an arm around my shoulder which must be difficult considering I'm taller I look down to see her standing on the tips of her toes while still pulling me down.

"Damn Ebony, did you have to tie him to a tree?" Scar asks from behind us.

"Well no but it made it more fun. Get rid of it and join us at my place," I say smirking devilishly.

    I grabbed Mist's hand and we ran to my black Lamborghini and threw myself in.

"We're here," I yell into the darkness.

"Do you have to do that every time we get here alive?"Mist asks me still mad at my speeding.

"Yep," I replied running to the steps leading to the doorway.' You never know if you'll come out alive'.

' You never know if you'll come out alive'

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Picture of the house in the day time^

"Okay down to business I need to go over details."

"First Ash Knight is taking over as leader tomorrow the same day your taking over 2nd in command" She states.

"Obviously, now tell me what is Ash like as a leader?" I ask.

" A strong and clever leader and Ash definitely cares for the gang but he is not someone to mess with," She states to me suddenly in business mode.

"Alright, I only really needed to go over Ash a little I already have access to everything in the database so I know as much as him if not more," I tell her.

"I think that your parents did the right thing keeping you a mystery, everyone knows of you-you're the heir but they don't know anything but your age. Hell, they don't even know your gender your in the database as Ebony age 21 only child of  Rider Rose and Elle Rose Heir to the 2nd in command position and that's it. I can't wait for the reveal the looks on their faces. Only  Scar, James, Kane, and I know and even our parents don't have a clue, the only reason we know is that your parents thought you needed gang friends but two girls two guys so no one could even guess anything about you let alone your gender it was foolproof," Mist rambles.

"Yeah, I wonder how they will react."I muse thoughtfully.

    A knock at the door tells us Scar has arrived. I open the door to see her standing there will blood drenching he shirt and spots on her pants.

She raises her hand revealing a bag holding a bottle of tequila and grape soda. 

" Let me grab a quick shower and let the fun begin,". 

   I let out a small laugh and open the door wider so she can walk in. 

" Hell yeah,". I say with a smile on my face. 'This nights gonna be fun definitely.

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