Table 4

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As a waitress, Regina Mills had seen some pretty strange things. Breakups, makeups, full on make out sessions. But it never could have prepared her for what happened on November 18. 

She was working the 6:00-10:00 shift and was on her last hour, so she didn't really put the most work into her final tables. It was only her and one other waitress, Darcy, so she was swamped. And on top of that, the idiot at table 4 had ordered sixteen appetizers, and Regina was currently hauling her ass over to his table with arms loaded with pounds of food.

Setting down the last dish, Regina re-tied her apron and addressed the man. "Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?" she asked, praying the answer was no. He shook his head and murmured something unheard, so Regina refilled his water glass and left. Shaking her head, Regina walked over to the register to get another customers check ready. "Hey, can I talk to you?" Regina looked over to see Darcy, an embarrassed smile on her face. "Sure, but make it quick. We both have work to do and Mickey will kick our butts if we don't log all our hours." She nodded. "Okay. The poor guy at table 4 has almost ordered the entire app. menu just so he can look at you and you didn't even give him a smile. How about you slip him your number instead of ask what dessert he wants."

Regina scoffed, but she could feel her cheeks going warm. "As if he'll want dessert after that meal." Darcy shot her a look. "Regina." "What?" Regina whined. "Look, I'm tired and hungry, we don't get paid until next week, and I have a 3000 word essay on law and order due tomorrow that I haven't started yet. Cut me some slack, okay?" "Fine. But I'm giving him your number if you don't." Regina scowled, but quickly scribbled her digits on a scrap of paper.

As she walked closer to his table, Regina could her her heart pounding in her ears. She hadn't really looked at him before, but he was handsome. Dimples, blue eyes, cute haircut, sensible clothes, the whole nine.

Not so covertly, Regina dropped the paper and kept walking. Looking over her shoulder discreetly, she dropped off the other customer's check and watched anxiously, hidden behind a large potted plant. She watched as he picked it up and smile as his eyes scanned the paper. Straightening up and walking back towards the kitchen, she felt someone grab her hand. She spun around to see him. His dimples were even better when he was smiling. "Hi. I wanted to thank you. For your note." he said, still grinning. Regina grinned back and looked down shyly. "So, are you gonna use that number? Cause I'll have to take that paper back if you aren't." He chuckled.

"I'm Robin Locksley. And I think I'll be using this number." Regina squealed inwardly. "Good." she said, already planning a date in her head. "I'll talk to you later, Robin Locksley?" "You will Ms.-- "Regina. Regina Mills." "Well, Regina Mills, you will indeed."  

A/N: this is really short lolol but i'm updating every day this week so

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