A Male's Anatomy

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A/N: This one shot is based off of the scene where Diana saves Steve in Wonder Woman, which I highly recommend. Some of the dialogue is word for word, but most of it is my work, so enjoy!

Regina sat atop the cliff, her legs dangling over the edge. The wind rustled her long hair, and the golden rays of the sun warmed her exposed skin. Regina sighed. She had gotten into a fight with her mother. Again. It was stupid anyway. Regina wanted to train. Her mother said she was not meant to be a warrior, although she was a part of the Amazon hunters, a strong group of well trained combat women. Everyone else could fight. But not her.

Regina put her hand in her chin and surveyed her surroundings. The smooth, white, stone of the cliffs, topped with lush green trees. The aquamarine and topaz of the sea, stretching as far as the eye could see. Suddenly, Regina spotted something out of the corner of her eye. A small, dark mass pushed against the invisible barrier that protected the mythical island, stretching it like taffy as it tried to uphold its duty. The object broke the barrier. A dark plume of smoke curled into the air as the thing plummeted into the ocean below, a slave to gravity.

Regina gasped. There was someone in the wreckage! Quickly, she stood up and backed away from the cliff's edge, but only to get a running start. Pushing off hard, Regina launched herself into the air and dove into the water.

Squinting against the sudden darkness, the princess propelled herself through the open water, reaching someone in strange clothes, the sinking object omitting bubbles behind them. Putting her arms around the person's chest, she kicked upward, hard. As they broke the surface, Regina took a deep breath, again moving herself forward, this time towards the shore.

Regina laid them on the beach and pressed her ear to their chest. Nothing. Lacing her fingers together, she began to push their chest vigorously, in sequences of five. Pause. Push. Pause. Push. Finally, they began to cough up water. "Are you alright?" Regina asked hesitantly, unsure whether or not they spoke English. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." The person's voice was deeper than hers. And that's when it dawned on her. "You're a...you're a man!" He blinked. "Uh, yep. Sure am." Regina was astonished. She had only heard tales of mankind, but she had never seen one. Her mother wasn't even convinced they existed. But here one was, right before her eyes. Clearing her throat, Regina said "Come on. Let's get you washed up." The man nodded gratefully. "I'm Robin, by the way. Robin Locksley." Regina nodded thoughtfully. "Regina. Princess Regina."


Robin was soaking in the moon pools in the cavern as another woman cleaned and bandaged Regina's wounds. "Is it true you saved his life?" she asked quietly. Regina stiffened. "Who told you that?" "He did."

In the next area, Robin sat contentedly, relaxing his stiff muscles in the hot water. Of course he had plenty of questions. But he pushed them aside. The water felt tingly on his skin, and he could almost feel the muscles in his legs re-growing. Robin stood up, ready to get a towel, grunting as his weight shifted onto his twisted ankle. He stopped abruptly when Regina walked in unannounced. Covering his privates with his hands, he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Uh. Hi. I guess you can come in." He apparently hadn't covered up all the way, as Regina asked with a quizzical expression, "What's that?" Robin looked down. "It's a...uh..." Noticing Regina wasn't looking at his male anatomy, he changed the subject. "Oh! It's a watch." "A watch?" Regina echoed. "My father gave it to me, now it's with me, and good thing it's still tickin'." "What for?" Still mortified, Robin answered. "Because it tells time. When to eat, sleep, wake up, work." Regina chuckled.

Her demeanor changing, Regina shuffled her feet and looked down. "Would you say you're...a typical example of your sex?" Blushing, Robin said "I am...above average." Regina looked down, but Robin could still see the tips of her ears turning red. "Oh." And with that she left him to change in peace. What a strange day it had been.

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