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"You know if someone walked in here right now they'd totally think we were fucking." Lexa observed while she and Clarke were in the bathtub one night. "Oh my god Lexa!" Clarke scolds, but she's laughing so hard that she's far from serious. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Both girls look at each other, wide-eyed and panicked.
"Just don't say anything they'll go away." Lexa stage whispers.
Suddenly there's a faint muffled voice. "Lexi? Are you here?" Someone calls and opens the front door.
"Crap! It's Anya!" Lexa exclaims quietly.
"What does she have a key or something?" Clarke asks, confused.
"No we just never lock the goddamn  door!" Lexa exclaims in a whisper. Clarke is trying not to laugh but she can't help it. A small giggle escapes and Lexa clamps a hand over her mouth.
"Shh! She'll hear you!" Lexa whispers unable to keep her own laugh from her voice. Clarke is nearly shaking with laughter as Lexa gets out of the tub and grabs a towel and a robe.
"Hellllo," Anya calls. "I can totally hear you so if you don't get your little butt out here commander-!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming hold on!" Lexa yells putting on her robe.
"Commander?" Clarke whispers, and raises her eyebrows in question.
Lexa just glares at her. "Don't make a sound." She says pointing her finger at Clarke and backing towards the door.
"Whatever you say commander." Clarke whispered teasingly.
Lexa's jaw tightens. 'I'm so going to murder Anya.' Lexa thought as she opened the door. "What do you want woman?!" Lexa pretends to yell at Anya, who has already made herself comfortable on the couch and is eating a cookie.
"Well I have a date tonight and I wanted to know if I could borrow that red top of yours that I like..?" Anya asked.
"The one with the-?"
"Yes!" Anya said, knowing that they both knew exactly which shirt she was talking about.
"Okay," Lexa said heading back towards her room. After a little rummaging through her closet she found the top, and threw it towards Anya who was leaning against the doorframe.
"Thanks," she said sarcastically. "Can I change in your bathroom?"
"No!" Lexa exclaimed a little too quickly.
Anya cocked an eyebrow. "Why? Got somebody in there Commander?" Anya teased, and playfully jabbed Lexa in the side.
Lexa sighed. "I don't have anyone- you know what?" Lexa said cutting herself off mid sentence. "Change in the middle of the goddamned apartment for all I care!"
"Whoa. Lex are you okay?" Anya asked concerned at her sudden outburst.
"No, I'm not feeling good," Lexa lied. "I just want to get back into my warm bath." She pouted and held her stomach for emphasis.
"Ohh hon, do you want me to stay or get you anything?" Anya asked touching her hand to Lexa's forehead and then pulling her in for a hug. As crazy as Anya could be, she had always been like a mother, or a very over protective older sister when Lexa needed her.
"No I'll be fine," she sighed. "Clarke's out getting some medicine and things, she should be back soon."
"Okay..." Anya said hesitantly. "Call me if you need anything." She tucked a dripping pice of hair behind Lexa's ear, and Lexa nodded. "I'll see you later. Hope you feel better." Anya left Lexa's room and headed towards the front door.
"Thanks Anya." Lexa called as Anya opened the door and let herself out. Once the door was closed behind Anya Lexa practically sprinted towards the bathroom. She threw open the door and nearly screamed. Clarke was blue..? It took her a second to register that it was a face mask and that Clarke hadn't turned into a smurf. Clarke started laughing at the startled Lexa. Lexa was laughing too as she took of her robe and got back into the tub. "Oh my god. I can't believe that happened!"
Lexa groaned with her head in her hands.
"You have to admit, it was kinda funny." Clarke said.
Lexa groaned. "Did you hear all that?"
"Mmm hmm" Clarke hummed nodding her head and smiling.
"Idiots! We're idiots!" Lexa exclaimed. Clarke tilted her head confused at Lexa's outburst. "Why didn't we both get out and say we were doing face masks?!"
Clarke couldn't contain her laughter. "Because you said that thing about us fucking!" Exclaimed Clarke, who was nearly in tears at this point. Lexa couldn't help but join in. The whole situation was ridiculous. The girls were in hysterics by this point, and were leaning against each other so they wouldn't slip.
"Ahhg! Oh god it burns!" Clarke exlaimed suddenly. She started rubbing at her eyes. "It's in my eyes! Fuck!"
"Ohh," Lexa reached for a washcloth. "Hold still," she said to Clarke who was trying to splash water at her eyes. Clarke lifted her head up, eyes squinted, and Lexa reaching out a hand to steady her, started wiping the face mask off of Clarke. She rinsed the cloth quickly, and continued wiping Clarke's face until the area around her eyes was clear. "There," Lexa said, but Clarke still had her eyes shut tight. Lexa dunked the cloth under water, then squeezed it out over Clarke's closed eyes, then gently pressed the cloth against each of them.
When she was done Clarke finally opened her eyes, and blinked a few times. "Thanks." Clarke said not looking up at Lexa, instead studying the swirling bubbles on top of the water.
"Do you want me to wipe the rest off too?" Lexa asked lifting Clarke's chin back up.
"Please." Clarke said with a watery smile. Lexa picked up the washcloth and gently began removing the last of the face mask. They finished the rest of their bath in relative silence, with the exception of Clarke's occasional outbursts of laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation.

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