Interupted Part 2; Confessions

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"Umm Clarke.. I wanted to talk to you about something..." Lexa says nervously running her hands through the water.
"I've been wanting to tell you something too..." Clarke said.
"Why do I feel like we're talking about the same thing?" Lexa chuckled.
"Well I hope we are or else this could get..." Clarke started.
"Awkward." Lexa finished. "Okay I'll just say it. Lately I've kinda been feeling like we could be more..." Lexa hesitated.
"More than friends." Clarke said.
"Yes, and I think-" Lexa was cut off by a sharp knock on the door. "I swear to god if that's Anya again..."
"Clarke!" Called a muffled voice from the front door.
"It's Raven, she wanted to tell me something earlier but I told her I'd talk to her later." Clarke sighed "I'm sorry can we continue this later?"
"Yeah that's fine. I'm going to Anya's soon anyway." Both girls quickly got out of the tub and dried off. Lexa headed straight for her room and Clarke went to the front door.
"Geez Raven what's so important?" Clarke said with a laugh as she let her friend inside.
"Good to see you too Clarke." Raven teased as she sat down on the couch. Clarke joined her and gave her a nudge on the shoulder. "Dork." She laughed. "Seriously though what's up?"
"Okay, it's about Anya. I think things are getting pretty serious but we haven't really talked about labels or anything yet."
"So you want her to be your girlfriend?" Clarke clarified.
"Yes! But I don't know if that's what she wants."
"Just talk to her about it. You're never going to find out otherwise."
Just then Lexa walked into the room. She had changed and had a bag with her. "I won't be home tonight, I'm staying at Anya's." Lexa said shortly to Clarke.
"Okay have fun," Clarke said, but Lexa was already out the door.
"Well isn't she just a ray of sunshine." Raven said sarcastically.
"Usually she's a lot nicer, but you kind of interrupted something earlier..."
"You were in the shower when I got here- omg you guys were in the shower?!" Raven exclaimed.
"No! Not like that! Oh my god!" Clarke denied. "We were just talking about things.." Clarke blushed. "Like if there might be anything between us..."
"Oh my god you are so whipped!" Raven exclaimed.
"Hey I'm not the one with an 'almost' girlfriend. You really should talk to her. But maybe not tonight because Lexa's there and I guarantee they'll be having a very similar conversation."
"Okay, okay, I'll talk to her tomorrow." Raven gave in.
"Good! Hey do you want to stay over tonight?" Clarke asked.
"What? Too lonely without Lexi here?" Raven teased.
"Shut up." Clarke tried not to laugh as she shoved Raven.
"I'm just kidding, of course I'll stay."

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