Chapter 11 - Interrupted

Start from the beginning

"So, how does one play three-way checkers?" I ask, sitting next to Phil.

"You use one of the sides of the board, as well as the two normal sides. We have two sets of checkers, and one set has light red pieces and the other has dark red pieces." Phil explains.

"Oh, I see." I say, starting to understand.

Dave comes down the stairs, out of their bathroom.

"I see you've discovered three-way checkers." Dave says, laughing.

"Yes," I say, standing up. "Tell me about the band!"

"I'm super excited, if I'm going to be honest with you." Dave says as we leave the living room and go sit at a little table in the Gahan's kitchen.

"Me too! Maybe I'll earn some points with Vince for telling him about you!" I joke.

"You know, I remember that day we were in Greene's Pharmacy and Vince was so short with you. Is he still like that?" Dave asks me. "He was quite nice to me. And he's friends with Andy and Martin. I just don't get it."

"He's a little bit warmer now. And honestly, I don't get it either." I reply.

"Maybe I'll be the bond that will bring you two together." Dave jokes.

"So, tell me how it went!" I say.

But before Dave could start, there was a loud banging on the door.

"What the hell?" Dave says as he goes and gets the door.

I follow him out of the kitchen, and Peter, Phil, and Hank come to the door too.

Dave opens the door, and behind it is an ecstatic looking Teresa.

"Mom saw you from the living room window running here, and she knew you'd be at Dave's house because Andy's is in the opposite direction. Anyway, you'll never believe the news I have for you!" She exclaims.

"What is it?" Dave and I ask.

"Martin and I are back together!" She shrieks.

I give her a big hug. "See! I was right! Oh Teresa, that's wonderful! Now we're all dating members of Composition of Sound!" I cheer.

"Except us, we're not dating anyone in the band." Say Dave and Hank.

"Oh shut it! That's not what she meant!" Teresa says playfully.

"Anyway, Dave was just telling me some big news." I tell Teresa, separating from our hug.

"What's your news, Dave?" Teresa asks him.

"Can we go play three-way checkers? This is boring." Peter says, and takes Phil and Hank with him back into the living room.

"Three-way checkers-?" Teresa starts.

"Just ignore them. Anyway, my big news is that I'm a member of Composition of Sound!" Dave says.

"Congrats! That's so cool!" Teresa exclaims. "Well, that's all I have to say, I'll see you later. After band practice tonight Martin and I are going to watch the Monty Python Life of Brian movie on TV." She heads for the door, and before she closes it, she says this: "Can we agree not to talk about me banging on the door like a madman?"

Dave and I both nod in agreement and she closes the door behind her.

"As I was saying-" Dave starts, but we are interrupted again.

Mrs. Gahan comes bustling into the hall. "What was all that shouting? It sounded like Teresa Reynolds- Oh hi Eve dear! David! What in God's name is wrong with you? Why haven't you offered Eve food or drink? How are you supposed to get a girlfriend if you can't entertain friends properly!" She reprimands, rushing into the kitchen. "I have to go to the store to get some items, so is water okay?"

"Don't worry about it Mrs. Gahan!" I call to her.

"You sure, sweetheart?" She calls.

"I'm sure!" I say.

"Alright. I'm going to go back to hanging the clothes up to dry. It's so cold out so I can't do it in there. I'll be in the closet where the washer is so shout if you need me." She says.

"Hey, did you ever tell your mom about what happened between you and Gina? She acts like you're not a good boyfriend!" I say.

Dave sighs. "I couldn't tell her the truth, so I told her that Gina thought I was being distant because I kept canceling on her. What I didn't tell Gina is that it was because of me being wild and doing graffiti and all that stupid shit I used to do. You know how it was, or you found out later, how I was constantly in juvenile court with my mum."

I nod. "So you told your mom that you didn't want her to know about your life of crime?" I tease.

He smiles, but sadly, thinking about Gina. "No, I just told her that I didn't have time for a girlfriend. She was a little suspicious, but never pressed me. I couldn't just say, 'Oh yeah, Gina? We were at a party and I found her screwing someone else!"

"Ah, I see." I say.

"On another note, you've been in this country for what, thirteen years and you still can't say mum? You still say mom?" He teases.

"Old habits die hard, what can I say, Gahan." I tease back.

Our usual friendly banter seems kind of different today, but I brush the thought right out of my mind. Years of Teresa teasing me about Dave must be starting to affect me. Friends for thirteen years don't flirt, and besides, you have a boyfriend.

"Oh my god! You know what! You never told me about the practice session with the guys!Tell me before we get interrupted again!" I say, laughing.

And Dave starts to explain.

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