chapter 2

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Anxiety pov.
This is awkward is all i thought as i was sitting on my bed next to princey who had calmed down by this point. I cleared by throat "so can i help you". He looked at me and said "i am so sorry". Now i was cunfused. "For what".
"For being so mean to you and ignoring you that was not very prince like of me" he says looking ashamed. "Prin- Roman you did nothing wrong i am anxiety why would you be nice to me".
"You can not help who you are and you are apart of this family i should have been nicer to you and for now on i promise i will be" than he kissed my cheek i felt myself blush thank god my white foundation covered it up. He smiled softly and left and i could swear his cheeks were a little pink. I layed down on my side because my wings were killing and closed my eyes.
I was standing in the commons when patton walked up to be he looked mad. "How could you do that anxiety you really are a monster". Roman walked in "we all hate you and will never accept you". Logan walked in "all evidence shows you are a moster you dont deserve love". I just cried because i knew all this was true. Than roman kicked me and i cried out.
End of dream
I woke up crying scared that my dream was right. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 4 am i knew i was not going to get back to sleep so i decided to listen to some music. A couple hours later i relized i was hungry i looked at the time and saw it was 9 am might as well go get breakfest i thought. I left my room trying to be queit because i did not want to bother anyone i went to the kitchen and saw patton at the stove making waffles. They smelled good but i never ate with the other traits i normally ate alone in my room. Patton looked up at my entrance and smiled at me "hey kiddo want to eat breakfest with us". I paused suprised and i looked at patton he seemed happy to see me and like he really did want me to eat with them so i said "ok" slowly. I was not going to push my luck so i grabbed a banana and sat at the table next to logan and across from roman. "Greetings anxiety" logan said smiling at me than going back to his book i was shocked he even acknowledged me. Roman looked up from his phone smiled than starting talking to me about disney movies i sat and listened adding imput every once and a while still extremely confused about what was happening. I am a slow eater so i was only half way through my banana when patton came in with the waffles and put them on the tabble. Everyone went for some but me to be honest i did not even want to finish this banana let alone eat those fatty waffles. They all started to eat and talk while i sat there finishing my food and ignoring them. I stood up about to leave when patton said "hey kiddo is that all you are going to eat". The other two were looking at me like i did something wrong. I frowned confused yeah why. "Come on thats not even close to enough would you like some waffles".
"Umm no thanks i think i am going to go to my room" patton looked disappointed but did not say anything else has i escaped to my room. I was really confused now no one has ever said anything about how much i eat before. I sighed about to listen to music and forget about it when there was a knock on my door I grumbled to myself what was with all this human interaction it is to much to deal with in one day. I opened my door to see roman smileing widely "hey hot topic want to watch a movie with me". I was about to say no when i paused why does he want to watch a movie with me i instead say "what movie" he smiled like i said yes and dragged me to his room i sat down on his bed and looked around it had wardrobe in the corner a flat screen on the wall and a stand with about every disney movie you can think of. He pulled out Aladdin and sat down next to me. He sang along to every song and seemed to enjoy himself it was fun spending time with princey but i knew better than to get used to it. When the movie was over he started to talk to me we had a lot in common surprisingly we liked a lot of the same music and watched a lot of the same tv shows i relized it had been a couple hours when he asked me if i wanted to grab lunch before we filmed todays video because i am an angel i do not need to eat a lot of food only a little here and there to substain my self so i never eat lunch. I was about to say i was not hungry when princey grabed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen where patton was eating a sandwich. Roman went to get food when he looked at me and said "what are you going to have".
"Oh i said i am not hungry". Patton looked at me worried "are you getting sick or something you barely had any breakfest how are you not hungry". I rolled my eyes and said "i never eat lunch" this was so normal for me i am surprised no one noticed i was about to say something when logan walked in and said "this is true based off when i have seen him eat he only has breakfest once a week normally a banana never eats lunch and maybe has a sandwich every couple days for dinner". Patton looked at me shocked and said "how do you live off such little food". I mumbled "you never seemed to care before". Based off the look on pattons face he was feeling guilty. Roman just looked annoyed and said "of cource we care we just have not done a good job showing it". Logan than said "we all care about you". I said "thanks i guess..."
"well what are you going to eat" patton asked. Than i said "umm i'm still not hungry i am going to go to my room" i turned around about to run when roman grabbed my wrist "you really should eat something". I rolled my eyes "i am good really can i go now". Patton said "why dont you play a game with us" with puppy like eyes "uggg fine what game". Patton screamed yay and grabbed life which logan won i must admit i was having fun but my wings hurt really bad now i have not gottin a chance to stretch them yet and now it hurt like hell to move. We had just finished cleaning up when i felt a tug that meant i was being summoned i poped up in my normal spot and saw the others in there spot thomas looked at me and said "i thought we could do the video now". I nodded and winced as i sat down. Thomas seemed to notice and said "hey do you need me to do something" i ignored the others confused looks and said "you can help me when we are done with the video". Thomas nodded and i thought we were done with this when patton said "whats wrong kiddo". I winced again as i moved and said "nothing". Roman said "you look like you are in pain". I just said in an annoyed tone "leave it". Logan cleared his throat and said "should we start". I sighed in relief as the attention was off me but Thomas's glance my way did not escape my notice. Once the video was over i could tell patton wanted to say something as the other two sunk down but thomas gave him a look and he sighed looked at me and said "call if you need me". I just looked at the ground as he sank down  thomas smiled at me and said "what can i do". I winced than stood up and said "i will show you" and led him to his room and sat down he walked in and closed the door and waited. I hesitated and said "you dont have to do this" he smiled and said "what can i do". I sighed and said "my wings really hurt i have not stretched them in a while and they are really stiff". Thomas looked concerned and asked "what can i do". I took of my jacket and shirt my wings felt stiff and i could not move them. Thomas looked confused so i sheepishly said "it would really help to have them massaged". He said "of cource" and sat down but seemed to hesitate i never let him touch them before. I said "please it would really help". That seemed to encourge him because he started to massage one it felt weird but was really helping. Thomas broke the silence and said "they feel like silk". I blushed but kept quiet after 30 minutes i could stretch out my wings without them hurting so i thanked thomas and folded my wings he gave me a disapproving  look and i said "what".
"Maybe you should not fold them up why dont you just tell the others". I froze "because..." i could not tell him my reasons he would judge me he would say they would never judge me and that i  was just being stupid. Also i was scared. "Look" thomas said "just tell them about the wings you do not need to tell them anything else". I hesitated and said i would think  about it than i added "thanks for your help" and sank down.
Pattons pov.
I was sitting in the living room waiting for anx and watching a movie about 40 minutes in he poped up. "Hey kiddo whats going on" he seemed surprised to see me but said nothing. I could tell he was about to walk away so i said "want to watch the rest of this movie with me" he looked surprised but said "sure" and sat down. I noticed he no longer seemed to be in pain but i was still worried about him. So i said "is there anything you want to talk about" he seem to freeze so i said "anx" softly. He looked at me and said "no thanks". I said "are you sure" not wanting to push him but also extremely worried. "Yes dad" he said and he rolled his eyes so i pushed play on the movie. About 10 minutes in i noticed anx was leanining heavily on me i look down to see he had fallen alseep i smiled softly and just started to card my fingers through his hair like i had seen thomas do anx seemed to lean into the touch and enjoy the contact so i continued to pet him and watch the movie. The movie was over when roman walked in and noticed anx "is he okay" he asked. "Yes just sleeping but i am worried about him. How could i have not noticed how little he eats and why did he look like he was in pain before". Roman look concerned and was about to answer when anx mumbled something and seemed to begin to wake up. Roman sat down next to him and smiled almost fondly? I was confused this was something i would have to look into anx sat up and looked around i said "hey kiddo what do you want for dinner". He looked at me and said "dad you dont have to make me anything". "Nonsense" i said even though i was worried for him i tried to act normal. "I dont mind whatevers fine" he mumbled i smiled and walked to the kitchen i would make a stir fry.
Anxiety pov.
I was on the couch when i felt someone staring "what can i do for you princey". He blushed and looked away. Huh i thought what is up with him. Roman said "so whats up with you hot topic". I blinked confused and asked "what do you mean".
"Are you okay you seemed off before". I had no idea how to respond there was no way he acually cared. "...and i was concerned". I looked up relizing he was talking. "I said i am fine" he looked like he wanted to say something when logan walked in and said "greetings anxiety i could use your assistance". I looked up "with what"?
"I am researching human reactions i have already asked patton about his emotions and now i would like to quiz you".
"Sure i agreed"
"perfect" he smiled "come to my room" so we can start i followed logan and tried to forget about roman and pattons questions.
Logans pov.
I was doing research on emotions and human reactions i wanted to understand them and hoped to maybe understand my fellow trait more as well. I was concerned about anxiety he was developing very unhealthy eating and sleeping habits. At the moment i was asking basic questions and was not surprised that his answers were very diffrent from moralitys. We were done and i had got all the data i would need when patton called us for dinner. I sat at the table and began to serve myself. Anxiety seemed hesitant but took a scoop and that was all he had way less than everyone else. I raised my eyebrow and aked "is that all you are taking". Patton said in a concerned tone "you need more than that kiddo" anxiety just shrugged and began to eat it looked like mortality really wanted to put more food on his plate but he just started to eat. Roman began to talk to anxiety about some band when i tuned out and began to think about a book i was reading. I only began to listen again when i saw anxiety stand up he has eaten a little less than half his food and roman was saying "you need to eat more than that". Anxiety gave him a defient look and replied "i have eaten more than enough". Patton said "please kiddo can you eat a little more". Anxiety visibly softened and said "look it tastes good dad but i am stuffed i am going to lay down" than he left. Patton looked at me and said "how is he stuffed he has eaten so litte today" he sounded almost sad. I wad cunfused to but said "well his eating habits are extremely weird we have to get him used to eating again than his appetite might grow". Morality looked determined and said "than thats what we will do". Roman seemed to be thinking about something so i just began to eat again. We really need to start fixing some of anxietys bad habits. He has been alone for to long even i can see that.

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