chapter 2

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(at the airport)
We just landed and they lead me to where Logan is supposed to meet us. We don't see him right away, and then all of a sudden someone lifts me up and yells "LIZZY!" Right away I knew it was Logan. "LOGAN!" I yell. "I've missed you so much omg!"
"I've missed you too, baby sis. Now come on, your room is waiting for you at my apartment." Jake said. We all load up in his car and he drops the boys off at their house, and then we drive to ours.
"Where's Jake?" I ask Logan.
"He has to wake up early tomorrow but he'll come visit tomorrow night." He replies. He unlocks the door and leads me to the room I'll be staying in. It's one of the most gorgeous rooms. The walls were white, the bed was huge, and right above the white fluffy pillows there was a giant lilac purple and light gray dreamcatcher painted onto the wall. Above the door there were a ton of posters with the why don't we boys. I turn to Logan and say, "really?"
"They helped out. Especially Jack. I think he might have a thing for you. But yeah you're not dating anyone of them." Logan says.
"Haha, we'll see about that." I joke. He leaves the room and I climb under my purple blankets and start to fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up, more comfy than ever. I roll over and unconnected my phone from my charger and see that Jack texted me.
Jack: hey :) are you coming over?
Me: i'll be there in an hour.
I also notice there's a little note with a smiley face on the drawer.
I walk over to my closet and start unpacking some clothes and try to decide on what I should wear. I choose a navy blue crop top and some plain black leggings. I hang up the rest of my clothes and put some other random things away. I see a lilac purple vanity over looking the window. The view is absolutely breath taking. You can see the beach in the distance and part of the city surrounding it. There's palm trees spread out alongside the road connecting the main road to the beach. I finish putting my makeup on and call an Uber.

My Uber drops me off and I walk out of the car and up the driveway to the entrance of their house. All of a sudden I'm drenched in water! I start screaming and I hear a lot of laughing around me. Then Zach picks me up and carries me through the door. Jack comes up to me and says "I'll show you around." He was looking down but I could tell his face was all red. He was so cute. He was rubbing his hands together as if he was nervous about something. We walk up the stairs and he leads me to his room and tells me to put my bags down anywhere, then shows me where the bathroom is, and then we go back downstairs where the rest of the boys are.
"Hey we were thinking about going for a swim, would you like to join?" Corbyn asks me.
"Sure! I'm going to change first." I tell him. They all go into the pool and I go change, and when I walk over to where they are, they start splashing me and yelling Jack's name.

(Jack's pov)
I'm telling Zach about how much I like Lizzy just as she walks out.
"Yeah dude, she's just so beautiful, I hope she feels the same way about me." The other boys overhear and start yelling my name.
"Jaaaack, guess who's here!" Jonah teases.

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