"Never mind, I'll find her myself." he turned and rolled his eyes before walking away. 

          When Peter was walking to Literacy class, he saw Sophia slip through the door. He picked up his pace and entered the room. Sitting behind her, he held his hand out to her with the necklace placed on his palm. Sophia lightly pushed his hand away and turned to face him. 

"Sorry. I don't want it. Jason gave it to me yesterday. Too many bad memories." she gave him a polite small smile and twisted in her seat, facing the front. Peter felt bad for her and saddened. 

"Okay, class. Did I already tell this class our the new project?" the teacher asked and responding to the blank faces, she added, "Alright. Well, we'll be doing a peer project. You'll have to partner up and you'll need to make a presentation on each other. Take notes on each other. By the end of the project, you should have two or more basic paragraphs with a picture on a piece of paper to hand in as your essay. Any questions?" 

"Are we choosing the partners?" someone asked. The teacher deeply sighed and picked up her clipboard. 

"No. The partners are Chelsea and Derek, Sophia and Christina, Peter and Jamie," the teacher continued on until the end of her list. "Got it? Get with your partner right now and start working." 

"Peter?" Jamie walked up to Peter and smiled, throwing in a laugh. "I remember you. Should I include that you sleep around in this essay?" she giggled. "Joke." 

"Uh, well. I guess we should meet up at some point. Is your place okay?" he asked. Seeing Jamie's confused face, "my place is getting remodeled." he lied. 

"Sure then. I guess Sophia and Christina can work at Christina's house." she shrugged and put one hand on her arm, sitting down. Jamie and Peter started talking and taking notes on each other. With Sophia and Christina, Christina was giving her a hard time. 

"How do you know Peter?" Christina asked sternly, glaring at Sophia. 

"Well, he saw me the other night, it gets kind of personal but let's just say," she looked over to Peter who looked to her and they both smiled, then she turned back to Christina, "he's my hero." 

"Can you elaborate on that?" Christina asked her, tapping her foot on the ground. Sophia scoffed. 

"Not really, I said it was personal." Sophia sighed and looked at Peter, gazing over his hair to his eyes, his lips and then back up to his eyes. 

"Just ask him out already." Christina groaned, reluctantly. She liked Peter but couldn't stand watching Sophia dream about him. Sophia snapped out of it.

"You're kidding. I don't like Peter." she rolled her eyes and looked down on her neck. Christina put her hand on Sophia's, and Sophia looked up then sighed. She stood up and walked over to him, her hands in her pockets, her hair partially falling into her face. Peter looked up and smiled. 

"Hey." he said quietly, happy to see her. The question flew from Sophia's lips before she could think about it and soon he was replying. "Sure, I'd love to." Sophia found herself more happy than she'd imagine. 

"Great. How about tonight? Something simple, like your house, dinner?" she realized she was more nervous. 

"That sounds great." he stood up, leaned in and kissed her cheek. Sophia felt her cheek go red and blush. She headed back to her desk. Christina watched the whole thing, completely green with envy. 

          When the dismissal bell rang, Sophia hooked her bag over her shoulder and exited the main doors. As she was walking towards the parking lot, an arm pulled her back. She turned with fury painted on her face and stomped her feet. 

"What are you doing?" she yelled, her hands bawled into fists. 

"There was a car coming, sorry for saving you." Christina crossed her arms and let her hair fall into her face, rushing away to her own car. Sophia looked after Christina and adjusted her backpack. Peter tapped Sophia's shoulder and she turned, smiling. 

"Hey!" Sophia reached out her hands and hugged Peter around the neck. Peter smirked and hugged her back. "How you been?" she pulled away and chuckled. 

"You saw me about ten minutes ago. Not much has happened." he put on a big smile and took out the necklace again. "You sure you don't want this?" he narrowed his eyebrows. 

"No..." she looked down and sighed. 

"What am I supposed to do with it?" he asked her, lifting her chin up and looking her straight in the eye. Sophia shrugged,

"I don't know. Just give it to Christina or another one of your girlfriends." she looked down and scanned around, avoiding him. 

"Chrissy is not my girlfriend, she's just my best friend. We're still on for tonight, okay? See you." he wrapped him arms around her and pecked her neck since it was the only place he could reach. Sophia chuckled silently so he wouldn't hear and then said, 

"Want a ride?" 

"Sure." Peter pulled away and held Sophia's hand as they walked towards the parking lot and got into her BMW. "Nice car." 

"Thanks." she smiled and leaned over, kissing his cheek. "Let's go?" Peter smiled and nodded. 

"Do you want to come over by any chance?" he said while they were pulling into his driveway. Sophia smiled and nodded. They walked out of the car and he took her hand once again as they walked inside. Joselyn was sitting at the table, reading over bills. She looked up and laughed. 

"Wow. You two already act like a couple." she smiled and went back to her bills. Peter panicked and let go of Sophia's hand. Sophia looked down at her dangling hand and felt like she'd just been stabbed in the heart. 

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