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imessage between
william & camila

promise me you're gonna pick chris up and u weren't joking earlier

you seem sober enough, why don't you take him home?

bc i'm not the one he wants, he needs u and only u

and something happened at his place. he won't tell me what, but it must've been bad if he's drowning himself in vodka

im on my way

where are you guys at?

Tommy's you remember where he lives right?

why did you change your mind all of a sudden?

no reason


received a text from William about Chris drowning himself in alcohol after something had happened at his place. She didn't know what has happened exactly, but she had a feeling it was something unmentionable.

If didn't matter what their relationship was like, if he needed help, she was going to be there for him and vice versa.

She rarely ever drove in Norway, but today was an exception. Tommy's place was about twenty minutes away from her house, and she wasn't planning on walking all the way there and back.

With her parents gone on another trip, and Nadia dropped off at her grandparents place, there was nothing stopping her from leaving the house at two in the morning.

When she got to Tommy's place, she was shocked at how packed the place still was at two in the morning. Did these people never get tired of partying? Camila parked her car at the end of the street, then making her way to the front door. As people were walking out, she slipped in between them and got inside.

She ultimately cringed at the scene. The place smelled of cheap alcohol and smoke. With her nose scrunched up in disgust, she pushed bodies away from her, while trying to find Chris.

Camila knew he was close by, as she could hear his name being chanted over and over again.

Chris was standing in front of a table with shots, lined up in front of him. He was already on his fourth, and she knew she had to stop him from reaching the end. He looked absolutely hammered, and if he were to take a breathalyzer test, it would be off the charts.

She made her way up to the front and grabbed the shot out of his hand. A chorus of boos followed after, but she didn't care. All she cared about was getting Chris out of here before he dropped dead because of all the alcohol he was dosing himself in.

"Lookkkk it's... it's my girlfriend." Chris slurred as he slung his arm around her. "Wellll, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet. But I want her to be. She doesn't know that yet, so don't tell her."

"We need to leave, Chris." She grabbed onto his arm and tried to make him follow her, but he simply refused.

"But you just got here." He pouts. Chris looked like a child, but somehow, she was attracted to him even more.

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