t h i r t e e n

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wednesday, november 18

"I fucking hate William, who does he think he
is." Noora was ranting nonstop about William, the moment Camila arrived at her doorstep. Camila had found entertainment in her hatred for William. "He asked me if I wanted to go out and do homework with him, does he even do homework!"

"I have never seen him do his work, but i'm sure he does." She replies, humor lingering on her tone. "But I can't believe you called him 'Wilhelm' even though you knew he hated when people don't pronounce his name right."

Noora threw her hands in the hair, waving them as if she was squatting a fly. "He told me I can call him whatever I want to, that doesn't make any sense. Where's the 'i gonna punch you in the face if you look at me too long' William? This is soft William!"

Camila looks her Norwegian with a smirk planted on her face and Noora immediately knew what she meant. "No, no, no, don't you ever think about that ever again."

"Why not." Camila cried out. "It's so obvious he's attracted to you, the only girl he's ever this nice to, besides me, is you. This probably all started when you knocked some knowledge into his head and besides, William needs a girl like you in his life."

Noora let out a humorless chuckle. "I think the fuck not. Speaking of people in his life, have you and Chris started dating yet?"

She nervously laughed. "Can you believe what Elizabeth did yesterday?"

"Don't you even try to change the subject, now answer the question." Noora demanded, roughly slapping the back of the brunettes head.

"Keep your hands to yourself." Camila childishly said. "Were never gonna go down that pathway, so don't even think, talk or even mention this topic to everyone even yourself."

She rolls her eyes. "You love him more then you love yourself, don't even try to lie to yourself."

Noora was partially right. Camila's feelings for Chris was a abundant, but not full enough to chose him over herself. Their relationship was odd, she wasn't going to lie. They both had problems they didn't want to bring each other into, and that was one of the causes they could never be together.

"You know why we can't be together." she says quietly. "As much as I want us to be something more then what we are now, we just can't. Our issues are just too big to bring each other in."

"I know what I say won't change your mind, but everybody deserves to have happiness. And when you're with Chris, that's when you're happy."

complicated; chris schistadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz