Chapter 14

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Cedes Pov

So as I come home from the Photo Shoot Teo was gone and I was wonder where her was bc i need to talk to him. I am call him but I have his phone with me. I look on the bed and see a letter or note from Teo

Dear Cedes,

Hey baby. I know you've got a lot going on in your life right now and you might feel completely overwhelmed. But I need to tell you that everything will be okay. A lot of people tell you this and it may get tiring of hearing the same people tell you the same thing but I need to remind you that all your problems and worries will soon be faded. I promise. All the issues will get resolved, and everything will return to normal Juan. Anything that's bothering you, you will discover a way to fix it, and it will go away like nothing ever existed. I sure hope you aren't overthinking or over complicating things. I know it's hard not to when things get tough, but try to relax and calm down because I want you to be happy and I don't want you to be even more stressed. No matter what bothers you like homework, school related issues, family problems, relationship problems with me, it will all wash over. Just remember that there's always a light at the end of the path of darkness. Just keep holding on and you'll get through anything. Please please please remember that violence is never the answer, and no matter what you are going through, causing pain to other people, or to yourself is not and will never be the solution to your problems. Please promise me that no matter how frustrated and anxious you get, you will not use violence to resolve these troubles. Please promise me you won't hurt yourself anymore because of the stress that other people place on you. I'm always here to support you and help you with anything that I possibly can. You know you can trust me with anything. I honestly hope you discuss your issues with me. I'll try to give you the best advice possible. I'll also attempt to control your fury and irritation. If you ever need assistance, you know I'll be more than glad to listen to what you need to say and try to help you to the best of my abilities. I love you Juan, and I believe in you. I think you can find a solution to anything, and if you can't find an answer, create one. I know you can accomplish anything you set your heart to baby, so just believe in yourself. I love you and don't forget that you have my continuous support for everything you do.

As im done reading the note Teo walks out the bathroom holding roses. 

Teo: Get dressed m taking you out tonight

Cedes: Ok

Teo: Come on

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Teo: Come on. Teolaughed as he dragged you out of the house. 

Cedes:Teo, Im blind-folded, you cant run!

Teo:Fine, he mumbled.

 Next thing you knew you were picked up bridal style and put into a car. Once buckled up you heard the engine start and the car jump to life. 

Cedes:Where are we going?  You asked. 

Teo: That, my dear, is a secret, Teo told you. 

Cedes: It doesn't have to be a secret, You suggested. 

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