Start from the beginning

Farren hesitated and looked around once more. She was curious yes, but not willing to be left behind and she quickly caught up to Donna and the Doctor.

"That wasn't just a work shift siren was it?" Donna lowly hummed at the Time Lord.

"Not in the slightest."

"More like a bullshit siren." Farren guffawed though quietened when the two gave her sharp stares "What now?"



Solana had led them all into a presentation room and the wall behind her glowed with green-blue-purple Ood promotion posters. She stood confident behind the podium and three Ood were propped upwards, standing on small platforms in the middle of the room- others paced amongst the crowd, carrying round trays of refreshments.

"As you can see, the Ood are happy to serve and we keep them in facilities of the highest standard. Here at the Double O," Farren snorted, eyeing each eager buyer that stood by the Ood's on the platforms "That's Ood Operations, we think of the Ood as our trusted friends."

"I too sell my friends and stick them onto platforms, yes." Farren sarcastically mumbled and through their light frowns, Donna and the Doctor smiled.

"We keep the Ood healthy, safe and educated."

Farren snatched the package out of the Doctor's hand and took to flicking through the vouchers uselessly.

"We don't just breed the Ood. We make them better. Because at heart, what is an Ood, but a reflection of us? If your Ood is happy, then you'll be happy too."

The room erupted in ovation and Donna cautiously clapped- looking over at her companions who, stubbornly, made no move to offer their applause.

After the sound dimmed, Solana stepped down off the stage- her height supported by heeled boots but she still ended up shorter than most.

"I'd like to point out a new innovation from Ood Operations. We've introduced a variety package with the Ood translator ball. You can now have a standard setting- How are you today, Ood?" The dark haired woman stood by on of the Ood's on the platforms.

"I'm perfectly well, thank you." He responded in a neutral tone.

Solana stepped towards the neighbouring Ood "Or perhaps after a stressful day, a little something for the gentlemen- And how are you, Ood?"

"All the better for seeing you." It was a low and husky female tone, seductive and suggestive but so wrong. Farren's head whipped up sharply from the vouchers and she amusingly, snapped her jaw open.

The Doctor only raised his brows in surprise and Donna rolled her eyes "Men. Never change."

"And the comedy classic option," Solana continued, looking amused herself as she faced the last Ood "-Ood, you dropped something."

"D'oh!" He exclaimed in a cartoon-tone and Farren couldn't help but laugh, even if her friends seemed much less amused. "Oh, what now? It's Homer Simpson, it's funny you stiff's." She reasoned with their pointed stares.

"All that for five additional credits. The details are in your brochures. Now there's plenty more food and drink so, don't hold back."

Donna wasn't one to refuse free refreshments, so when an Ood graciously shoved the tray towards her face, she happily took a drink.

Farren however, wasn't offered a drink and thought canapés were far less interesting than Solana's lectern- she was itching to get her hands on new technology. And it seemed the Doctor was too.

Golden Wanderer (DOCTOR WHO FAN-FIC)Where stories live. Discover now