"I'm going to miss you too. Very much. Take care of yourself, alright? Listen to whatever Ten says. I trust him, and you, well enough to know that you won't do anything stupid. I want you alive and well when I come back." He commanded, boring his deep brown eyes into Y/N's with sincerity.

Y/N smiled a sweet smile and nodded. Allowing herself to kiss Johnny for a short while before pulling away.

"I want you to be safe too. Come back to me like you always do, alright? You can come back wounded, but don't come back dead. Never come back dead. We still have a family and many many dogs to raise. And I still have so much I want to accomplish with you. Despite everything." Y/N pleaded to her lover, looking him in the eyes as he did her.

She didn't want him to go away, but she didn't have the power to stop him. It was how they lived, how they still had a roof over their heads. She wasn't proud of what her lover was doing, but at least it kept them fed. Every time Johnny goes away, she feels anxious, wary. It feels like her heart is going to leap out of her chest. She fears for his safety more than anything. One day he could be alive and kicking, but dead and cold the next.

They had enemies, lots of them. And all of them were out to get him, or her. That's why she put her whole trust in Johnny, that he can defeat them. And in return, Johnny put his whole trust in her too. That she'll stay where he left her, safe and unscathed.

"Do you remember where I hid the revolver?" Johnny asked, playing with a piece of her hair.

Y/N hummed and nodded once she did remember.

"Upper left drawer in the cabinets, right?" She answered, unsure. "I mean, it's not like I'm gonna use it anyways, right? It's why Ten and his men are here."

Johnny hummed in agreement, but opened his mouth to reply.

"It's true. But you're only ninety nine percent safe with them here. And I'm not risking that one percent, princess. You know that." He said with full seriousness.

"I know, and I hope you know I didn't forget any of that tiresome training you made me do." She retorted, remembering how sore her muscles were.

Johnny chuckled, kissing Y/N on the cheek.

"Well, now that you seem like you're ready, I should go. My team needs me." He said as he stood up from the bed, despite not actually wanting to go.

"No, stay here. Just a little longer, please. I wanna remember your scent. It'll be a week before I see you again, you know." Y/N said in a sad tone, burying her nose on Johnny's shirt and tightening her grip around him.

The tall boy hugged back and rested his chin on top of Y/N's head, closing his eyes to savour the moment.

Their moment got interrupted when Mark, the youngest of the group, hurriedly knocked on the door.

"We need to go, sir. The earlier the better." The blonde haired boy said with much formality. He fidgeted with the hem of his white dress shirt while waiting.

"I'll be right there." Johnny replied as he gave a chaste kiss to his lover.

Y/N pulled on Johnny's arm before he could turn and gave him another kiss.

"Come back, Johnny. Don't leave me." She plead ever so quietly.

Johnny put his available hand on top of the hand that was gripping his left arm. Letting it linger for more than a minute, before removing it altogether.

"I promise." He said with a playful, but promising smile. The tall man went down the wooden stairs only to turn and wave one last time to his lover before departing, sending a flying kiss.

Johnny happily made his way to the car along with his members, discussing what they would do once they get there, how much casualties would they have and what not. Everything was going correctly, according to Taeyong, his right hand. He smiled in triumph. He felt confident, that they would win in the end.

Little did he know that it would be the last time he'd be able to go home. The last time he'd ever see his lover. Johnny would spend the last of his moments bleeding from a gunshot wound to the chest delivered by his enemy, Jaehyun. Tears overflowing from his brown eyes. Crying his soul mate's name, pleading and asking for forgiveness. The pain he felt wouldn't be from the wound he had, but the pain of breaking his promise to his one and only. The pain of seeing her alone, without a soulmate, crying. It shattered his heart into pieces.

"I'm sorry." would be the last words he uttered before he left, before he abandoned Y/N.

While Y/N would be left waiting for Johnny. Wondering if he'd ever come back. Alone in their house, in the darkness. Only to find out that the only man she had ever loved left her. The dark screen of her timer would appear blank, as if it was broken, as if her soulmate had died. Hot tears would well on her eyes, refusing to leave. She couldn't believe it, she won't.

Not until Ten, Johnny's best friend, came in their room and gave  her a sullen look. No words were needed to be exchanged, she knew. A scream would leave her soft plump lips. Her knees would no longer support her standing figure. The tears she'd been keeping in have finally found their way out.

"It hurts." she thought. It felt as if her will to live was taken away from her. As if her heart was stolen and smashed into tiny pieces, never to be reconstructed again. She couldn't stop herself from shaking, from crying, even if there were no tears left. Her heart mourned with her, it felt like it was bleeding. This is a pain that would last a lifetime, something that wouldn't be healed easily.

Her parents on the other hand, would rejoice at the fact that she had lost her soulmate. Wanting nothing more than to get rid of the man who has the blood of many on his hands. They would drag her out of the house that Y/N and Johnny lived in for many years, the one with so much memories, only to place her in the room she had when she was a child. She pleaded, she screamed, and she was determined to hurt them. But they got the best of her. Now, she finds herself looking out of the window of her old bedroom. Keeping her knees close to her, talking to no one, having no appetite, losing sleep. All because she lost the person she adored the most.

Y/N waited for nothing but death to come knock on her door now. She had nothing to lose, she already lost the most valuable thing she had.

The things that Johnny had feared to happen before he died had come true. Y/N was left alone, without a significant other. In pain, and with an unbearable sadness which couldn't be shaken off.

It'd be weeks before the star crossed lovers got reunited. Y/N would cross over in her sleep, her body giving up on her. Despite the physical pain the petite girl was in, she would be happy. Happy because she knew that she would be on her way to see Johnny again.

Taking her last breath, she smiled as she closed her eyes.

"I'm coming for you, Darling. Wait for me there."

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