Chapter 1

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Why did I ever wanted to get away from a girl named Juli Baker?

Why? I kept wondering. Ever since 2nd grade, I wanted her to leave me alone, I wanted her to get out of my life. But now, I don't want to live a day without seeing her.

The moment she walked out of the door, I swear I almost fainted. The way she walked under the sun, the light illuminating her and making her look more beautiful than she already is; and how her hair flew back to her shoulder, and how she shyly smiled and approached me.

Juli and I spent the rest of the afternoon patting the soil around the newly planted sycamore tree, or should I say, Juli Baker's sycamore tree. I won't let anything harm it, I'll protect it along with Juli, which I should've done ever since the first place. God, was I really that much of a coward?

That night, I couldn't sleep. The moment I left Juli Baker's presence, I felt my smile fading away as soon as I get closer to the door of my house. By the time of the night, I peeked through my curtain-covered window and saw Juli's curtain swept to the side, and saw her once again beautiful face. She was brushing her hair as she looks into the mirror, smiling. When she put the brush down on her table, that's when she noticed me.

Immediate eye to eye contact. Juli seemed to stop moving for a moment, just looking into my eyes, then she waved and smiled at me. Thinking of the only decent thing I could do, I waved and smiled back. And after that, I don't know what to do next. Maybe both of us don't.

So, when I spot my notebook with a marker nearby, I grabbed both of it and started writing down on it. After writing, I showed it to Juli, who looked at it with eyebrows furrowed together, and it made her look so cute.

'Can't sleep?'

That's what I wrote. Juli bit her lower lip, which made me drawn all my attention to it. She grabbed a notebook and marker as well from her table, and started writing something down. And then she showed it to me.

'Yeah, you?'

I nodded, pursing my lips into a thin line when I realized that I don't know what to write next. This is one thing I hate about me, mental block. So, much to my dismay, I wrote the only thing I could think of.

'You should sleep, you had a long day'

Juli smiled slowly, then wrote something down on the paper as a reply.

'You too, Bryce. Goodnight'

I waved goodbye, closing my curtains not before I wait for her to wave back. I smiled, thinking about how tomorrow would go on, now that Juli and I created the start of our friendship. I just hope that it would be something much more than friends. I really hope.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I scrambled to get up and look through the curtain of my window. Expecting Juli.

A big smile appeared on my lips when I saw her looking out of her window, smiling at the sycamore tree we both planted yesterday. I'm pretty sure she can't wait for it to grow big, and she could go climb up on it again and face the beautiful view she always gushed about.

Come to think about it, I only wonder now, what was the view up there be like? Surely, it's beautiful, but I haven't really witnessed it. Only Juli had. And it made me a bit tad disappointed that all these years, I had to come up with very terrible lies just to say to Juli that I can't come up there.

I quickly backed away from my window before Juli could see me. I didn't want her to know that I am now a stalker of her. Wow, never thought I'd say that, back then, Juli was the stalker of me. But now, I'm the stalker of her.

I rushed downstairs, hearing faint music and smelled some batter being cooked. I missed it when mom makes pancakes for all of us, I usually just eat cereal every morning. When I made a turn to the kitchen, there I saw mom and grandpa. Mom was cooking, of course, and grandpa is sipping coffee from his mug as he reads the newspaper again.

"Morning." I greeted the two older people. They both glanced at me, mom even smiled before getting back on cooking pancakes.

"Bryce," Grandpa said as I sat down on the chair beside him. I looked at him as I reply with a hum. "So, how did it go with Juli?"

I fight back a grin as I look down on my hands, fidgeting my fingers as if it's more interesting than the girl that lives in front of our house. "Well, I think she forgive me."

"Think? You're not sure." Mom chirped in, back facing towards us. I pursed my lips in a thin line.

"Well, she offered to help me then we kept smiling at each other. She didn't really said the 'I forgive you' part, but I really do think we're okay." I replied, crossing my fingers with each one.

Mom turned off the stove, picking up a plate full of freshly cooked pancakes and placing it on the table. Grandpa and I grab a pancake of our own, poured some delicious, sweet syrup on top of the butter and began eating.

"Okay." Mom started. "So when are you going to ask her out?" I choked on my pancake after she finished talking. Grandpa chuckled as I started coughing.

"Ooh, who's Bryce gonna asked out?" Ah, to add more torture, here comes my older sister, Lynetta. As soon as the pancake dawned down on my throat, I quickly spoke up. "None of your business."

Lynetta looked at mom, I silently pray that she won't tell. "Juli Baker."

Lynetta gave me those teasing eyes and eyebrow wiggle, I groaned out in annoyance. "I could help you make a move, I'm just gonna have to tell Matt and Mark about it."

I looked at her in bewilderment. Such a great family. "What? No! Are you crazy?"

"Oh come on, lil' bro. I'm only teasing you. But seriously, when are you gonna ask her out? Mom are expecting grandchildren." I hit Lynetta's shoulder as she laughs out loud.

Children? With Juli Baker? I guess I wouldn't mind.

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