Chapter 1

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Y/n tapped her fingers on the table, waiting for her food. Your mum hardly ever cooked because of work and your dad was either drunk or watching the TV. You sat there waiting until you heard your mother from outside. You went outside to help her bring the food inside. You looked at the food and your face lit up with joy! It was F/f! You thank your mum and run up to your room with your food, closing the door behind you.

It was only five minutes after you had finished your food, licking your lips. You look over at your desk. Your phone was over there, but you couldn't be bothered to move. You stared at it, hoping it would just fly over to you. You watched it carefully as you tried to move your body, but your body said no. You were to lazy to get up and plus, you were nice and warm in your bed. Your head began to feel heavy as you slowly sunk into your covers. It wasn't until later that you had fallen asleep...

*BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP*. Y/n opened her eyes slowly, that alarm clock was going to be the death of you someday you thought as you went to turn it off. While you were up you grabbed your phone, you searched through your to do list. Make bed, have breakfast blah blah blah. You scrolled down until you read this. " Babysit your friends little sister". You rolled your eyes as you turned you phone off.

~Time Skip~

You looked at the little girl as she played with her food. You watched her as she tried to throw it out but you were there to stop her. You then fed her her dinner as she tried to keep her mouth shut. She was a hard kid to take care of but you managed. As you cleaned the plates, the little girl came into the kitchen and asked you one simple question "Do you have any toys I can play with?" She smiled. You looked down at her and shook your head no. She looked down, rather sad. She hardly ever got to do anything at this place, well... anything fun at least. It was time for her to get her own toy you thought to yourself. You then smiled down at her only saying these words "I could buy you one tomorrow" you said. Her face lit up with joy as she clapped and jumped up and down. The sad little girl was no more for happiness had replaced her sadness. 

Fun House (Jason The Toymaker x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now