Sanvers: Silent Words

Start from the beginning

Over the next months, they spent time together, be it getting coffee, breakfast or working cases together.

Maggie quickly became a new addition to the Super Friends.

One night Alex and Maggie were in the alien bar, a place Maggie shared with the group of friends, which quickly became their favourite get together spot for the group.

The two women had played a couple games of pool, which lead to Maggie buying their drinking because she lost horribly. Maggie was thankful her new friends had welcomed her and was touched when she saw Kara teaching Winn how to sign. Nobody in the group had asked Maggie about how she came to being deaf, they just accepted that's who she is after she told them she wasn't always deaf.

So Maggie decided tonight she was going to tell Alex the story of how she became deaf.

She tapped Alex gently to get her attention. Turning Alex signs out "Are you okay?" and looks Maggie over with concern washed over her features. Smiling Maggie nods whilst taking a deep breath.

"I wanted to tell you how I became deaf" she tells Alex, and the red haired woman shakes her head slightly.

"You don't have to tell me" and affection runs through Maggie's veins and she smiles "I want to Danvers, I trust're different" Alex blushes and after a second makes a 'go ahead' motion for Maggie to begin her story.
Taking a sip of her beer Maggie begins.

"Three years ago there was a case back in Gotham. We'd been working on this case for over a year and we finally got a break in the case. So me and Peters, the guy I work with here, we transferred together. We geared up and went out to Gotham Bank. Where he was. The Joker. He'd been working with these bank robbers who had been stealing from all across the country. But he was working with them because not only were they robbing banks, they were also dealing drugs and weapons.

We went in their guns blazing, we almost had everyone but then Batman came in to fight the Joker. Then suddenly, I was falling the Joker had set bombs up around the banks and the last things I ever heard was his laugh echoing around the Bank as it started to crumble around us.

I can't remember anything after that apart from waking up eight days later in hospital and that's when they told me i lost my hearing. It's called sensorineural hearing loss. It occurs when damage is done to the inner ear, it can occur after disease or in my case, trauma."

She looks up at Alex who doesn't look at her with pity but with a sense of strength and admiration.

"You did something heroic Mags, that's amazing, your strong...but uh does that mean electrical impulses don't reach the brain?" Alex questions and Maggie nods.

Maggie goes on to tell her about her recovery and how at the beginning of last year she moved to National City to start anew and have a different type of  life.

Reaching over Alex squeezes Maggie's hand, and hen she notices how long she's been holding her friend's hand she lets go.

"Thank you for telling me" and Maggie smiles and with a tilt of the head replies "Any time Danvers."

With that they carry on drinking into the night.

Two weeks passes since Maggie told Alex about her injury, and they were both at Maggie's apartment watching a film when Maggie looks over and notices Alex looking like she's going to be sick.

"What's wrong?" Maggie asks hands falling to Alex's knees.

Looking at Maggie's hands on her knee, the redhead blushes with a small laugh "I actually hate this ice cream" and Maggie laughs "Why are you eating it?" and the blush that was spread over Alex's cheeks are now covering her neck and ears.

"You were so excited for me to try it and you were so happy about it, I didn't want to make you upset" she tells Maggie and then Maggie is smiling at Alex full dimples on display.
"Why would that upset me? It's just ice cream" laughing at Alex who is now crimson by this point. So much for scary badass agent.

"Well I-I hate the idea of me upsetting you or anyone really upsetting you, it makes me angry you know, cause I like you" Alex suddenly freezes "Oh my god I just told you that, I'm so sorry to say that, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm sorry, God, ignore me, I've made this awkward now have-" she is cut of by Maggie,  who takes her hands and places then in her lap and then gently places her hands on red cheeks and kisses soft lips.

Alex swore her heart stopped, the feeling of Maggie's soft lips pressed against hers made Alex's head spin. She felt Maggie's hand stroke her cheek before pulling away biting her lip.

They locked eyes and Maggie brought her hands up and signed four words that changed Alex Danvers life forever.

"I like you too" and Maggie smiles at her eyes sparkling and Alex pulls them into another kiss.

And that's how they spent the rest of the night, cuddled up, stealing kisses and sharing shy looks.

And that's how they planned to spend the rest of their lives together.

I just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone for reading, leaving comments, voting. It means so much thankyou! I can't believe this has had over 43K!! THAT'S INSANE! 

If you have any idea, or prompts you can message me on here of at @lovinfandomon instagram.

ALSO! PLEASE check out @agentzorel stories, they are amazing and so worth the read! 



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