Sanvers: Silent Words

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Alex was walking down the street when someone walked into her, she turns to see who it was a saw a small brunette woman walking away. She didn't even stop to say sorry, with a sigh Alex carried on walking away.

The next time Alex saw the woman who had walked into her was in the coffee shop. It was packed almost every seat was taken apart from one. The one next to where Alex was seated, so from across the room Alex watched as the woman walked over and pointed at the seat. With a nod from Alex the small brunette sat down. Alex, was confused why wasn't this woman talking? Maybe she is just shy?

The woman looked nervous and Alex asked if she was okay. The brunette said nothing so Alex shrugged slightly and finished her drink and pulled out her phone to text Kara, telling her she's on her way. With One last glance at the smaller woman, Alex left.

It wasn't until two months later Alex saw the woman again. It was a crime scene and the woman had a police jacket on that looked far to big for her small frame.
Walking over, with J'onn, Alex spoke.
"We're taking it from here thank you" She spoke her false persona taking charge. A man came to stand next to the smaller woman and they nodded to each other. Confused Alex watched as the man started to talk but use his hands, then the smaller woman thought for a moment then brought up her own hands up. That#s when it hit Alex.This woman is deaf.

The D.E.O. and the police worked together for the next week before they finally cracked the case. At the end of the case Alex walked over to the Detective, who she found out was called  Sawyer. She was packing up the paperwork and didn't look up until she saw someone sliding a cup of coffee in front of her. With a small smile she looked up.

Alex hesitated for a moment, before bringing her hands up and signing out whilst talking.
"Thank you for your work this week Detective. With out you, we wouldn't of been able to do this. My ASL isn't the best I hope I got that right" She says quietly with a small smile whilst the detective watched with rapid attention on the Agent's hands.
The other woman's face lit up "Where did you learn to sign? And I read lips, thank you" she replied and Alex smiled.

"I have a sister who gets sensory overload and as a child would stop talking. So I took classes at school and college and read as many books as I could and we learn't it together, so if it happened again we'd have a way to communicate to each other." 
Sawyer smiles "That's awesome and thank you" she signs out and then takes a sip of the coffee.
"Any time Sawyer"the red head replies with a small smile.
"See you around Danvers" and with that she picks up the paperwork and coffee ad leaves.

"Yeah, see you around Sawyer" Alex says with a small blush littering her face.

The following month Alex was with Kara getting breakfast. She felt someone tap her so turning slightly, she relaxes when she see's the detective who's been playing on her mind standing behind her, hair falling around her face, a small smile and warm eyes.

"Hey Danvers" she signs out and Alex smiles.

"Hey Sawyer. Take a seat, this is Kara, my sister." the detective turns and sits next to Alex then Kara smiles and signs out 'hey' and the brunette mirrors the gesture.

Turning to the taller woman the brunette scrunches her nose slightly, which makes Alex's heart nearly explode "I'm Maggie by the way, I never told you that"

Maggie. Alex liked that name, it somehow fitted the small detective. 

"I'm Alex" she tells Maggie who smiles, eyes crinkling
 " I like that name" and Alex blushes slightly, "I like it too."
They spent the rest of the breakfast getting to know each other until the D.E.O. called saying they need Supergirl.

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