I stood there for a second, making sure that this is what I truly wanted. Thoughts dashed around in my mind as my eyes were scanning through all of the trees and bushes around me.

Yes, this is what I came here to do.

What's there to live for anymore?

No one cares about me.

I'm better off dead anyway.

People wouldn't miss me.

These thoughts convinced me. These kind of thoughts are what led me here today. These thoughts we're the truth.

I inhaled a large breath. Picking up my feet, I continued down the dark, narrow path that would lead me to my final destination.


The crisp air pecked at my cheeks as soon as I opened the car door. I stepped out onto the drenched asphalt, chill bumps layering across my arms. This wasn't a good idea, and everyone knew that.

After everyone was ready, Elton set his camera up on the back of the car, pressing record.

"Oh no, i'm actually shaking. Okay, cool. Cool. Yeah I don't like having my back to the forest either." Elton spoke, taking a look at the mysterious forest behind us.

"I'm just looking at the light." Brennen interrupted, also looking behind at the forest.

"I don't like it here," Jay commented, barely audible.

"I told you bro it's scary." Brennen said in reply to Elton's comment about the forest.

"I don't like being here right now." This time, Jay was a bit louder, making sure he was clear.

"Okay," Elton looked at Jay. "Alright guys, um... we're doing it. We're in Japan, we're at Suicide Forest."

I shook my head, my eyes focused on the camera lens as well as the view finder.

I wasn't too fond of this place. I didn't even want to come here in the first place. But the fans wanted it.

"This is by far, the dumbest thing we've ever done,"

"So stupid." Brennen interrupted, again.

"It's- I think it's like 12:35," Elton paused as Brennen got out his phone.

"12:28," Brennen corrected.

"12:28AM right now, uh we're going to stay over night. The sun rises at 4:43, I know that exactly. Because at 4:43 we're gonna be right back here and get the fuck out of this forest." We all look around for a second before Elton continues.

"So," he paused. "We're doing it guys, you guys got the 250,000 likes, we ended up in Japan, we're here. Keeping our word, we're doing this for you." He clapped his hands before continuing the intro.

"Um... let's hope we live,"

"Yay," I spoke sarcastically, Elton and Brennen turning their attention towards me.

Colby Brock ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now