Chapter 7

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Jacer couldn't believe his ears. He released his grip on Twisty and slumped to the ground.

Twisty scrambled up and watched Jacer warily.

But Jacer was looking for the shadow lord.

He caught sight of her sitting, watching the fight with a smirk.

He kept hearing Twisty's voice in his mind. His rage switched from Twisty's pack to the shadow pack, and he suddenly felt a surge of energy. He burst forward and leapt at the shadow lord. He was sick of being stuck in a cage of hatred.

He had knocked the shadow lord to the ground, and started to swipe at her face.

"Jacer...what are you doing?" She looked at him, and her eyes widened. Her voice raised over the commotion. "No! You escaped my spell?!" The shadow lord pushed Jacer off and ran. "Retreat, shadow pack! Retreat!"

Jacer collapsed on the ground, suddenly exhausted.

Darox stalked up to Jacer. "Staying for some more fun, Jacer?" Darox opened his jaw, about to snap, but Tamalee stopped him.

"Darox! Darox! Sugar, stop a minute," Tamalee shouted.

Darox looked at Tamalee. "Why should I? Look what he's done to us!"

"Look at him, sugar, and tell me what ya see."

Darox turned his head back to Jacer, and he gasped. "Jacer...that's what happened to you."


"Quanti...remember our pup? The one that disappeared?"

Quanti looked at Darox, then nodded.

"This is him, Quanti. Our little Vledz."

Quanti studied the wolf next to Darox. " can't be Vledz. it really him?"

Jacer's mind raced. Images flashed through his mind. Staring at a younger Quanti and Darox. Playing with a brown pup. Then, wandering off into the woods. The shadow lord taking him. Some sort of ritual. Learning to kill...

He was back in reality. And he was no longer Jacer. He was Vledz.

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