Chapter 1 Zacharias

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Zacharias POV

Hello, my name is Zacharias Acerbus, I am 18 years of age, it is year 2058 and I am currently attending  Umbra High. For an 18 year old life was pretty good for me, I score perfectly in everything, and I even made the Special A class. Man, life is awesome, and I plan to live it to the fullest, I hope that this great life lasts till the end...

"Hey Zack!" I heard a voice shout my name, it was my friend and partner in the Special A class, Levis Ignis. He was my childhood friend, but unlike me, he does struggle with his studies. I hope he improves anytime soon. But all his life he's tried his best so he can still be my friend. He is just an amazing guy.

"Hey man! What's up?" I replied with a smile. Looking into Levis' bright orange eyes. Seeing the same eyes that are now so very familiar to me.

"Hey! are you going on the field trip?" He asked me in an excited way.

"Field Trip? When?" I asked, because the Special A class never announced a field trip before.

"The Special A Council was bored so they came up with the decision for a last minute Field Trip, isn't it great?!" Levis asked in a very esctatic tone.

"Cool! where are we going to go? A park? Museum? OH OH OH, THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE!??!" I ask, building up my interest and excitement as well.

Levis then went to a rather quiet tone, so very close to a whisper that nobody other than me could've heard him.

"We got a permit from Oculus to go to an abandoned temple site, it was said to be more than 1,000,000 years old," Levis started.

"I hope we can set off traps and have the adventure of our lives!!!" He started yelling.

Though the part about setting off traps was rather extreme and dangerous, but the part about having the adventure of our lives was very interesting and that made my adrenaline rush, making me want to do it even more.

I smiled, "Hell Yeah I'm Coming!!" I couldn't wait till it happened. This is going to be fun.

Levis woke me out of my trane and we started heading toward the Special A class. There we said 'hello' to everyone and they said hello back.

The Special A class consisted of specifically the 10 of the best, brightest, smartest, and physically fit in the school. All of them were my friends;

          10. The 10th person in our group and our newest is named Aquas Vita; female, she is a fun                and bright person that everyone loves being around.

           9. Next in our group is Nunally Fulgetra; also female, she is a disabled person, but due to her           endless dertermination she beat everyone in her P.E. Class and became a part of the Special             A.

           8. After her is Tonitrus Astra; a male, he is a very trustworthy and truthful person, he also is                  very strict when it comes to behavior. And he is always encouraging people to try their best.

           7. After him is Feles Lingua; also a male, he is a master zoologist, especially in Cats, and                  a very fluent speaker in Foreign languages, and honestly it's no wonder he's here.

           6. Next after is Viperidae Lingua; he's the twin brother of Feles, same in practically everything              except he has the alter ego of Feles, and must contradict everything Feles says.

           5. After him is Puella Musculus; a female, she is rather sensitive, but when it comes to                         serious situations, she becomes serious then becomes the hero of the day.

           4. Next to her is Cavia Canis; also a female, unlike Puella, she is always serious even during            dire situations, she is also the co-leader, next to Puella.

           3. Next after her, the 3rd best, is none other than Levis Ignis.

           2. After him is Valoris Draconim, she is the most beautiful person in the school. She's also                smart, fit, and very aspiring. But unlike the other Special A students, she can be rather quiet.

           1. Then there is me. Zacharias Acerbus, the smartest, most fit, and the most inspiring person             in the school, but like Valoris, I'm rather quiet, and sometimes anti-social.

Then the teacher of our class came up, and told the class about the field trip, what to bring, the activities and explained what needed to be filled out in the permission slip.

When I got home, my sister, who was only 16 years of age, ran up and hugged me as hard as I could and said in her usual cheerful voice," HI!! Big Brother!!".

I replied, "Hey ther little sis'".

Cuniculus Acerbus, her nick name is Cuny, which I picked out when she was born. Even though she was little and can be annoying at times, I loved her like she was the only thing left in my life.

I walked into the Living Room where I was greeted by my Parents and I showed them the permission slip and  asked if I could go. After thinking this through, my parents signed the page saying that this would be a once in a life time opportunity.

Excitement flowed through my veins, and after I went to my room and fell into my bed and let the softness of the matress engulf me, I said...

This, is going to be...


And I slowly faded away into a long dream.



Hey guys, I'm back with a new story. Alright I know it's not based on any anime or movie or game, but I would like some critism and feed back. Thank you guys for reading it if you actually read it. And I hope you enjoyed. Oh yeah before I forget, about those names, those names are actually based off the old language Latin, like for example, Valoris Draconim, means "Valor-Dragon". But Zacharias is actually not Latin-Based, but Acerbus means "Shade" in Latin.

Again I hope you guys enjoyed. because there are...


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