DoveReign Presents: Food, A Love Story

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She could feel the change rippling around her. The time had finally come.

Sandi Lucero was fed up of people. Of human beings. Of her so-called friends. Too many times she had been judged. Too many times she had been slyly mocked. Too many times she had caught eyes peering at her as if she was something else.

She was something else. And it was time to show them.

Whereas normally she would be wearing grey, dark clothes to blend in with the crowds at school; another part of the wall. Now, she gone full out. She wore whatever she wanted, picking clothes she thought she wasn't allowed to wear before. A bubbly, jittery feeling ran through her veins, terrifying her.

This was crazy. Mind-blowing. Probably stupid.

That's why she had to do it. Because she needed a change. She couldn't go another day where she had to listen to pointless rumors, despicable attitudes or sly insults. She wanted to be herself, without any limitations or hesitations.

Wearing her yellow striped stockings with her rainbow shirt, the message stood out loud and clear. She had also colored her hair – something she had never done before in her life. Strength coursed through her from the change.

For the first time in a long while, a wide smile stretched across her face as she walked into school. Everyone had their eyes on her and she could feel their minds running as their opinions splashed across their faces.

A small tinge of fear ran through her back. But, it was too late. She wouldn't regret this moment. She would enjoy this. This was the first time in her life she had attempted to be true to herself and she was not going to back out now.

"Sandi!" her friends chanted as their eyes widened in horror.

She smiled. She was part of a small group of friends but they had gotten too much for her with their judgements. It was time to get out but a small tinge of sadness hit her as she realized she would be alone now.

It was better to be alone than have toxic friends though, her conscience reminded her.

"What's going on with you?" Rema said, her eyebrows furrowing.

Sandi shrugged. "I wanted a change." She pursed her lips at their outraged expressions. "You don't like it?"

"You look hideous!" she exclaimed, mortified. "I can't believe you're wearing something like this! And your hair too!"

Sandi inhaled, bracing her shoulders as the others responded the same way. With barely concealed insults. Mocking her. Just like they always did. A terrible feeling punctured her stomach.

"Well then, if you don't want to be seen around with me, then don't. But, I'm staying like this, no matter what. And yes – I like how I look. It feels like me for the first time. So, if you can't stand it, stay away. And take your opinions with you too."

She caught a glimpse of their gawping faces before she turned around, walking away. Exhaling, her shoulders dropping as she smiled to herself. That felt good. She had defended herself for the first time and it was powerful. She should have done that long before.

Her eyes met Lizzie Marge, the girl who unconsciously set off her change.

She smiled, walking towards her, nerves bunching up. Lizzie's eyes widened in shock, her mouth dropping.

"Hey," Lizzie said. "You look different."

Sandi's expression softened. "Good or bad?"

Lizzie bit her lip. "Definitely good. Like yourself, I guess."

Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)Where stories live. Discover now