FIVE ━ ❝confront your fears❞

Start from the beginning

"Please," the Bishop girl rolled her eyes, "We haven't even spoken one word to each other, and I only used that term since I've been reading some old books. They have that kinda language in it, so I just picked it up."

Calypso rolled her eyes in a fond matter, "Of course, my mistake."

The four girls – the other two being Angelina and Cho – sat outside near the Black Lake, enjoying warm weather for a little while.

Cho huffed and slammed down her book in her lap, "I hate Muggle Studies. What the hell am I even supposed to learn from this fucking textbook?"

"Woah, calm down, Chang. Nothing to swear about," Angelina snickered, "And nothing. Burbage is shit and those textbooks don't teach you anything. Just ask Cal here, she knows so much about muggle culture. Can tell you anything you ask about."

Calypso shook her head, cheeks tinted in pink from the compliment Angelina had given her. "I don't know about that. I didn't even know what bowling was before a couple weeks at the end of summer," she confessed, "But then Leo took me. It was a lot of fun and I think I kinda understand why people do it."

"The hell is bowling?" Birdie wrinkled up her nose in confusion.

"The fuck with bowling, who cares about it? I wanna know who Leo." Angelina leaned in, but there was something in her eyes that Calypso couldn't place her finger on. It was excitement or anger, something in between maybe.

But then Calypso froze, but only for a moment. Oh right, yet another thing people didn't know. It was in these times Calypso was reminded of how many secrets she kept – too many probably, but they were mostly family ones. Maybe that would help ease her panic, the mantra in her head playing shit shit shit over and over again.

They didn't know about Leo, they didn't know about Maia, and they most certainly did not know about how innocent Sirius Black was. No, the Black family held many secrets that Calypso knew she wouldn't – couldn't – share.

There were some that weren't exactly secrets, like the fact her grandparents had been Death Eaters and wanted their children to be the same. There were others that she barely knew the truth to, like the life her mum and uncles had in 12 Grimmauld Place. She knew it wasn't nice, she knew that her mum's back was littered in scars, but there wasn't much more Remelda had ever told her. And then there were the others that Calypso knew fully and was never meant to share, like the one of Sirius Black.

She was never supposed to share for two simple reasons. One, no one would even think to believe her. They all liked to think he was a murderer and would stick to it until evidence showed he was innocent. Maybe if there had been a trial people would've seen the evidence, heard the alibi, and know he was innocent. But there wasn't and Calypso couldn't change that now. Two, her Uncle Pads himself never to engage in anything that could associate the two of them with him.

They couldn't visit him, first off, and he didn't visit him. He wanted to keep them out of everything but that wasn't too easy when everyone was watching you, waiting for you to get in contact with him and give him up – something that Calypso would never do.

"Oh, right. You don't know him," Calypso continued the conversation, "Leo's my neighbor. He's really helpful." She lied. It was better to lie. They didn't need to know the truth.

"But Calypso, what the fuck is geometry? We've been reading at muggle school subjects and geometry just looks like you're trying to summon a demon," Cho ranted, causing the girls around her to laugh.

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