Getting Even

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The next Morning, I had planned out exactly what to do, wear super nice clothes that could push Ron's butt off his chair and flirt with every other guy I see.  My master plan would work out fine if I was good at flirting. 

But, For the record, I'm not.I hadn't had the time to practice flirting with other guys because for the last 2 years I was busy  dating Ron. But I'm pretty sure I can't be that bad. 

I had already planned out who I was going to flirt with. Cooper Nelson. High school jock and campus heart throb. He's also a friend of Ron's. He asked me out on a date a few years ago, but I turned him down because my Doofus brain told me that I was madly in love with Ron. Me and Ron were fighting then and had agreed to cool off for a few days. But eventually we got back together.

Later that day...

At lunch I had sat with Chloe again. And for the Second time in a row, Ron and Erica made their grand entrance at the cafeteria, thus getting all the attention from the students staring at them. Including me and Chloe.That jerk.Erica was dressing as slutty as usual. Lucky for her, I'm not a slut. Chloe says I'm the total opposite of what people might call Slutty, I wear Shirts, Jeans, Jackets, And Skirts. I hate those tight clothes. I'm a fan of baggy shirts. I don't dress like I need the Fashion police. I dress just fine. Or at least, that's what I think.

I avoid looking at the couple. they already took a seat and started to eat. 

"Look at those two. Its clear now, that Ron's making you jealous. He couldn't be anymore obvious." Chloe snarls. 

"I know. bah, screw him. I'm just gonna sit back and watch while Karma Slaps him in the face." I slurp my juice and gave the New Couple my own little version of the evil eye. Although none of them noticed, I was still ready to launch my master plan.

When I was done eating I went to get my plan into action. 

I head Over to Cooper's table and gave him my patented lean in. I smile sweetly at him and asked him how he was doing. I bash my perfectly Mascara-ed eyelashes at him and its clear that I've got, Not just Cooper's Attention, but Ron's attention too. Chloe was looking at me wide-eyed and mouth open.

After the small talk I had with Cooper, I take a glance at Ron. Clearly, he was avoiding my gaze. But sure enough, that thing I did with Cooper pissed him off enough to kiss Erica smack on the lips.

Not a smart move, Ron.

bring it on! 

I put my arms around Cooper and just then, He asks me out. and I'm pretty sure most of the people  in the cafeteria heard it because Cooper's friends were like hooting and making noise and applauding at him. 


After that I went back to Chloe's table. 

"What the heck was that?" Chloe asks, the second I take a seat.

"that is what you call, Getting Even." I smile one of my devilish smiles.

"Did you see his face? He was so pissed off that he smooched Erica just so he can get your attention." Chloe Laughs.

"He's being petty," Me and Chloe laugh together. "wait till he sees what more I can do. He was the one who started this in the first place." 

"And to think that I actually liked Ron when you dated him. I thought he was such a nice guy. What ever happened to that sweet, friendly Ron Williams that I used to know?" Chloe Shakes her head in dismay.

"I'll tell you what happened to him. He dumped me, dated a girl that was way out of his league, and got his brain contaminated with some kind of foreign sickness. That's what happened."  I glance over Ron and Erica's table. They both exit the cafeteria. Soon enough, me and Chloe were finished eating too. We head off to get our books from our lockers. 

And right there, in front of my locker, stood Erica and Ron in eachother's arms, making out. 

in front of my freaking locker!  I swear, I looked as red as a hot chili pepper. This is just inappropriate in so many levels. I practically feel my face get steaming hot. I was plain furious.This is a new low, even for him. I Swing open my locker and grab my books. 

I take one nasty glance at the disgusting couple and slam the locker door shut. It made a banging noise that knocked Erica and Ron out of their make up session. I didn't even want to look at them. All of that was enough to make me want to throw up. I zoom straight in to the halls and meet Chloe as she was just about to leave her locker. I tell her all about what happened even though I hated talking about it. 

She was just as furious as I was. Me and Chloe dart outside to get some air to think things over and plan my next move. And on the way I couldn't contain my anger. 

I kicked one of the garbage cans halfway across the field.

I kicked it really strong and a couple of seconds later, I see Mr. Kennedy running our way with a not-so-happy expression on his face. I bet he saw that flying trash can.

"Oh crud." I say under my breath.

"You just had to kick the trash can, didn't you?" Chloe glares at me, and we both make a run for it, hoping that Mr. Kennedy doesn't recognize our faces. We bolt inside the girl's room, knowing he couldn't reach us in there. 

"Well, great. Why don't we just spend the rest of lunch period in here." Chloe's tone was heavily sarcastic.

I look to her and grin sheepishly. I didn't mean to go full-out soccer player on that trash can. I was just so furious. and I know that if I don't do something to satisfy my anger, I was going to explode. 

And besides, Mr. K won't even recognize our faces, right? 

Or will he? 


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