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The next morning I awoke to hear the shower running. I felt a lot better though it was probably because I haven’t slept that well in four years. I stretched and ran my fingers through my long brunette hair. A few minutes later Gaga walked out of the bathroom with her blonde hair neatly pulled back into a pony tail.

“Good morning princess.”

She said. I noticed she wasn’t wearing anything but a bra and panties.

‘She sure isn’t shy.’ I thought.


She smiled and pulled a fitted lavender dress onto her body before slipping her feet into matching stilettoes.

“I have rehearsals for the show tonight.”

She said as she applied some light makeup to her face.

“Oh o-okay.”

I said trying not to sound disappointed.

“I was wondering if you might like to come with me?”

‘Wait, what did she just say?’

I thought. Realizing my mouth was open I quickly responded,

“I would love to!”

“Great! Come on!”

Jumping out of the bed I put on my black converses and walked with Gaga to the rented dance studio.

We arrived and I saw the Haus members running frantically and a wide grin grew across Gaga’s face as she saw my eyes wide open in awe.


Gaga shouted. Everyone froze and looked in our direction. All eyes immediately fell on me.

“This is Kaelynn, she’s a friend of mine and will be joining us for a while!”

Everyone nodded and the dancers filed into one of the rooms. Richy walked towards us and smiled at me.

“Hi. I am Richy, nice to meet you!”

I blushed and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you too. You are amazing.”

I said quietly. He laughed and turned to Gaga.

“Rehearsal in 5!”

He said before walking into the room with the rest of the dancers. Gaga got changed into a black sports bra, black dance pants, and black shoes that would normally give me a heart attack to see her wearing. Then she pulled her blonde hair back into a pony tail and we walked into the room. I sat at the back and watched them rehearse the choreography to all of the songs. Gaga was amazing and so eager to learn. She was really good at dancing and learned rather quickly. When they got through with the first run through, Gaga almost ran over to where I was sitting.

“Kaelynn, what is your favorite choreo that you have seen?”

Again, all eyes fell on me as I thought.

“Uhm, probably Scheiβe.”

She smiled and held out her hand.

“Have you done it before?”

I grabbed her hand and she helped me up. I nodded.

“I know some of it. I watch you perform and try to learn the moves to each song.”

Gaga, Richy, and even the dancers seemed impressed.

“Show us what you can do kid. And no worries, if you don’t know a part improvise. We can teach you the rest.”

Richy said. Gaga nodded and they all filed to the back of the room where I once was.


I said. I turned and faced the mirror and saw Gaga give me a thumbs up. When the music started playing I let go of everything and danced as if no one was watching. Everyone started clapping and cheering me on. As the song ended they begged me to do more. I laughed and did Judas next, then Bad Kids, and so on.

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