Author's Note

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Sup readers! Before you're going to read this story of mine, i just wanna tell you some things that you might wanna consider.

First of all, i suck at english. But don't worry, i'll try my best that my english will be understandable and tolerable  for ya'll.
Second, i'm a lazy assed potato so you must be a patient reader for this story and of course i'm busy with my school too, so ya know..
Then third is, hmmm.. Oh yeah, this story is about friendship and not love because i really can't relate into romance cuz you already know.

I guess that is all? Just comment if you wanna say something with my story and i'll make sure to reply and i won't ask for your votes and anything. It is all up to you if you like my story then go and if don't, then you can leave this story and just let it be. Good luck readers! Love ya'll:*.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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