Chapter eight pt.2

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"I know. I know you are. I'm really sorry about how I've treated you. I had no idea about any of this or I would have helped you." He said, pulling me into a hug. Something I haven't had in a long time. I mean yeah, my mom hugs me when I get home from school.

But I haven't had a Jack hug, in so long. Hugging him is like being wrapped in a blanket, fresh out of the drier. All warm and cuddly and you just want to lay in it for hours. It makes you feel safe. And that's what a Jack hug feels like. Warm and safe.

The rest of the way home, he had his arm around my shoulders. Humming songs.

"You wanna go to my house? Moms not home, and I have some kid cuisines in the freezer." He asked, breaking the silence between us.

"You got Kid Cuisines? Do you have the Mac and Cheese one?" I asked.

"Of course I do! What am I, an animal?" He asked.

We walked past my house, and seven more houses down to his.

We walked in, and for the first time in a while, I felt right at home. It wasn't like the last time I was here.

I unlaced my boots and set them by the coat rack, didn't wait for Jack, and headed straight to the kitchen.

I pulled out a couple Kid Cuisines and put them in the microwave.

When they were done, I grabbed Jack and I some forks and I saw Jack had put on a movie.


"You hate scary movies." I said, a little confused.

"But you like this movie and I wanna watch what you like." He said.

He sounded really cute when he said that. Why am I thinking this. I need to stop.

"If you get nightmares later, blame yourself." I laughed.

I handed him his food and sat down next to him.

As the beginning of the movie started, Jack got a little antsy and scooted closer to me.

"Jack, just put on a different movie. You're going to get scared later and want me to sleep over." I said, shoveling Mac and Cheese into my mouth.

"Nooo. We're watching it." He said.

I finished eating first, then Jack. And he went to go get some blankets.

He put one over our laps and then another around our shoulders.

He's so cute.

Halfway into the movie, the stupid little puppet thing popped up, Jack screamed, and his head dove into my lap.

"O-okay. We can change the movie now. I forgot about this part." He stuttered.

All I did was laugh. I turned the tv off completely.

"Is it gone?" He asked, his face still buried in my lap.

"Yeah, Jacky. It's gone." I said and his head shot up.

"You haven't called me that in so long." He smiled.

"I know."

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