Message from Zapper1

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 Dear Bullies,


What has been happening in your life that you push other kids around to make up for it?

Does it make up for it? I know I have curly hair, and glasses. I embrace my differences and am not a copy. So here is to every kid out there who is a bully. I make mistakes, I am a nerd, I do sing in public (a lot) I am short, I am blonde. I am confident but even I can’t break down the burden of your words all the time. Together all of us nerds, dweebs, geeks, losers, nobodies, of every size race and shape, of every gender and from every country, can stand hand in hand and overcome those bullies. Not with mean words, not with teachers punishments. But with confidence, and friendship and kindness. Let’s stand together, let’s catch each other, and help each person stand.

Dear bullies,


If anyone needs someone to share their feelings and reinforce their awesomeness because there is some in everyone, please message me. I really would like to help, and I promise to be nonjudgmental and as supportive as I can be. Understand that I will not understand everything that you are going through because I have not lived through everything but I will always try my best.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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