Part 18

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Chapter 18.

 Adam began walking through the forest. It was full of trees, most of them he couldn't identify. Even if he was a tree expert he wouldn't be able to. He shrugged and carried on forward. He noticed different animals in the forest. Some looked like small squirrel like things, some looked closer to dear and there were birds up in the trees singing unknown songs.

  Each animal made new and unusual sounds. Roars and growls all clustered into a cacophony of unheard of noise. No man from Adam's time would be able to describe the sounds or the animals. At least without sounding crazy anyway. Adam would keep silent about what he saw here. He knew man would try to come and destroy the place, or exploit it. He couldn't wish that upon Luna.

  As he was lost in thought. He was being watched. A creature was watching him from a distance. It's eyes focused entirely upon Adam. It seemed to be waiting for something. The right moment to attack. Or the right moment to help.

 Adam's footsteps sounded crunchy beneath him. Twigs snapped and leaves crunched as he walked ahead. Still unsure of what he would find, he felt nervous. This constant feeling of not knowing was starting to scare him. He was starting to feel powerless. Like he had no weapons or knowledge to use. He felt like he was walking through a dark cave blind. Or like he was taking a test on a subject he knew nothing about.

 Suddenly, in front him, was a stone cabin. It seemed to have been built years ago. Many many years ago. Why it was out here was unknown. But Adam's face beamed with happiness. It was somewhere he could potentially stay.

  "Let's check it out!" He said, excitedly. Rushing towards it he got to the door and stopped. What if there was someone, or something, inside. Adam grabbed his knife. Preparation was key. He took a deep breath, and opened the door.

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