Part 13

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Chapter 13.

A new dawn began in the new world. The sun slowly rose from the east, creeping over the hills. Animals awoke and began making sounds. They were sounds of unknown creatures all saying the same thing, "What will today bring, I wonder?" and for Adam. it would bring new hurdles.

  He woke up early in the morning, maybe it was seven AM, he guessed it was anyway. The Angels had woken up as well to begin the new day. Some of them went through a door, which had a small bathing area, and others were getting breakfast ready. The breakfast was mostly leftovers from the day before. Luna would later tell him that they did not like to waste food. It was because food was scarce and precious to them.

  A few hours passed and the day had truly begun. A small group of Angels went off down a hallway to go search for more food. Another group stayed at the settlement so as there were people guarding it. Adam was preparing himself as well. He aimed to travel to some far off places, to explore. He wanted to find out what happened in the "Middle Years" as he called them.

  He wandered away from the others. He crawled through the tunnel as he did before. He still did not like it and it still felt very uncomfortable for him. Once he climbed out of the tunnel he turned a corner and walked to where he first saw the Angel people. The same room. He looked to see if he could find anything different. But nothing. He then turned around and looked at the path that the beast walked down.

  He treaded carefully towards the path, noting how dusty and filled with cobwebs it was. He became a little bit scared, he hated spiders. But he pushed his fear aside for now and walked down the path. It was the same as the others, white walls with pictures of meditation and prayer. It all seemed so calm, but empty, both on the walls and the atmosphere of the place. Adam touched the cold and dusty walls as he walked forward.

  "So, why was this abandoned?" He asked himself, as he turned a corner. Many questions needed answering before he could go back home. As he walked he heard a noise, it was coming closer and closer. He prepared himself to grab his knife and ducked into an alcove.

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