The Blade Witch by NygelO

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The Blade Witch by NygelO

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The Blade Witch by NygelO

Current Chapters Written: 7

Current Chapters Read by me: 7

What got me hooked: The cover. It looks professionally made. In fact, I think it is. However, in a sea of homemade covers, it stands out.

Diversity meter is: LGBT if you care about specifics.

And the story is: decent so far. Without spoilers, the main character is a paladin of sorts, good with both blade and magic and is on a quest for revenge. Nothing about it so far seems out of the norm within the standard epic fantasy fare, but it's a good, solid baseline for a story.

What I like about it: are the descriptions. Not so much the scenery, but the background. It's clear the author has thought long and hard about the world building: the religions, festivals - it's all there, but not in a way that info dumps on the reader. 

I'm not a fan of: some of the fight scenes. Some of them are pretty good, but others don't quite make sense to me given some of the characters' makeup. 

Would I recommend it to other readers: Absolutely. Are there flaws in this work? Sure. All work on this site has flaws (including mine). However, I think the core of this book makes for a good read. If you like classic epic fantasy and world building, I think you'll like it.

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