What is this about?

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Dedicated to DiverseFantasy

Mostly, I just want to put some thoughts out about some of the books I'm reading by PoC authors. It's hard enough to put yourself out there as a writer and PoC authors can have extra hurdles. Maybe my thoughts send some readers their way, maybe the author will want to punch me in the throat afterwards. We'll see.

Simple guidelines to start (I'm sure I'll add others later):

1. These will be stream of consciousness writings after reading some or all of the book.  While I will aim to use decent grammar, expect many errors.

2. As of now, don't request reviews. I'll be doing them on an ad-hoc basis, based on what I've found and what I'm reading.

3. Feel free to disagree...if you're a reader. If you're the writer and want me to take it down, just PM me. Though I will say from experience that even bad attention is good for a writer. Meaning that just being in this book will likely get you more reads than not, when x>0. Simple math. Though you may want to check my math. I'm terrible at it.

4.  With that, whoever still cares about my opinion, enjoy.

Diverse Worlds from Diverse Minds: A Review BookWhere stories live. Discover now