Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Kingston sat glaring at the guy before him. The guy was trying to sell him a lie he wasn't buying. He been in the game way to long for him to believe some bullshit like dude was spitting, but he listened anyway.

"Man, you know I'll never do no shady shit like that we family." dude pressed on.

Since when, King thought.

"Listen man, I'on even wanna hear what you talking. You can go see Dro now, fuck out my office." King said. He watched as dude headed toward the door looking like he wanted run, he already knew he wasn't seeing his family no more and honestly King could careless.


"Naki," Debra yelled. "Get yourself down here. I need to talk to you."

"Yes Ms.Debra." Naki said walking down stairs.

"What did I tell you, call me mom?" Naki didn't reply so Debra just went on with what she had to say. "You remember my son I told you about before don't you?"

"Yes, I believe his name is Kingston."

"Umm-Hmm yap that's him. Anyways we're going to America to see him."

"We're coming back right?"

"Yes and I want him to come with us."

"Do you think he's going to want to come?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to beg him."

"Ohh, when are we leaving and for how long will we be staying."

"As soon as we get you a passport. We are staying for the entire summer," Debra replied grinning. "I can't wait I really miss him."

"You think he will take a liking to me." Naki asked.

"I'm not sure Kingston's not really a friendly person so maybe, now come let's see if we can get you a passport." Debra exclaimed, getting tired of Naki asking so many questions.


(Two days later)

King stood in the V.I.P section making eye contact with some mixed broad. He watched her as she swayed he hips back and forth to some random song.

Waving her over they went to the back of the V.I.P section and sat on the the couch along with his crew and a lot of more groupies. King could tell the girl couldn't hold her liquor cause she was drunk out of her mind, all over him being sloppy.

"Hol'up ma'," King said pulling her arms from around him, he wasn't with that sloppy drunk shit.

"What, you don't want me?" the girl cried whipping all her fake Brazilian hair in his face as she cried in her hands.

"Naw, Naw it ain't that it's just you pissy drunk right now. Want me to take you home." He said. King might have been hard and cold harded in the streets but, he'd help someone in need.

"Yes please!" The girl continued to cry hysterically.

"Yo, I'm out this ain't my scene." Kingston told his crew, slapping them fives. He then helped the girl up and walked her to the passenger of his all black 2017 h3 hummer. Walking to the driver side he got in proceeded to start the car.

"So, where you live?" Kingston asked her. She gave him he address and he knew exactly where that was.

They rode in silence and by the time they arrived the girl seemed to be sobored up. "This yo' stop." Kingston said looking at her waiting for her to get out.

"Thank you. I'm really sorry for being pain in the ass." She said resting her elbows on the car door after getting out and closing it.

"No problem, I know yo' ass was sloppy drunk." King replied looking at the text Breesha, his babymama, had just sent him taking about an emergency.

"I got to go tho." he said, after thinking of all the bad shit Breesha did to their 5 month old daughter already.

"Okay, here's my number call me when you have time. My name is Santana." she said reaching over to grad his phone and put her name and number in it.

I just might do that he thought as he watched her ass as she walked up the stairs.

Realizing he had something important to do he pulled off and headed to Breesha's house to see what was going on. Once he pulled up he noticed that their was a white car in her garage which meant her boyfriend was home.

Getting out the car he rushed to the house banging on the door. Greg, Breesha's boyfriend, opened the door the door and immediately stepped to the side to let him in.

"What did she do to my daughter?" Kingston spoke with so much venom in his voice. He knew something wasn't right he could hear his baby crying from all the way up stairs like she was being tortured.

"you know she can't help it." Greg said getting nervous because he knew what was about to happen.

" You think I f*ckin care , I'm tired of her hurting my f*ckin daughter!" He was tired of the this shit. He was tired but, he knew she couldn't help it but, he was gonna have to do something about this.

King darted upstairs to his daughters room. The sight that he saw damn near killed him. His baby was on the floor screaming to the top of her lungs and Breesha was in the corner covering her ears balled up crying.

King shook his head at Breesha as he went over to pick up his baby calming her down.

"Man you know you can't keep doing this shit." he told Breesha.

"I know. I'm trying." Breesha cried.

She couldnt help that she had paranoid schizophrenia and ocd that caused her to want to hurt people. She was diagnosed when she was just 19, then she could keep it under control with her pills. She stop taking her pills and now she's just out of control. The only person she could hurt was her 5 month old daughter because she was defenceless, none of her family wanted to be around her and Greg on the other hand could protect himself and slept in a separate room as Breesha.

"Look man I'ma take Lauren for the summer. You need to go get some help." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay, i'll pack her things." she said whipping her tears.

After she got done packing a few of Lauren's things she handed them to King. King strapped now sleeping Lauren in her carseat. He picked up the carseat and begin to walk out of what was now Lauren's old room, but before he step out the room Breesha called him. "Kingston." she called.

"Yea?" he turned his head towards her.

"Keep her alright. I don't wanna hurt her anymore. Take care of her. Do better than I did. Always tell her you love her. I'm not gonna be in Chicago for much longer. I wanna just be free you know, Greg and I. I wanna go to Italy or some thing with him just live because I know I'll never be normal. Anyways tell her I really love her, a lot. Let her know I tried and find her a mother. I want you and Lauren to move on without me just know I'll never forgot y'all and will always think of y'all." Breesha said full of emotions.

"Take care of yourself Breesh." he smiled at her before walking downstairs. Looking at Greg on his way out he said, "Take care of Breesh man. She loves you." Slapping him a five.

"Always." Greg replied walking King to the door.

Putting Lauren's carseat in the car he just looked at his baby's beautiful face. "I guess it's just you and me, Lo." he whispered to her before kissing her forehead and going to the drivers

King headed home thinking about the drama in his life. Things can't get any worse than they are now. he thought.

Little did he know......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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