My Inactivity..

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    New school? Lots of homework? Crazy siblings?

How about all of the above?! :P This chapter is gonna be all about why I have been so inactive and a small update on what has been going on in this crazy thing of mine I call my life! 

So, lately I have been very busy. Wondering why? Well, for one I started a new school.... Yeah..and, in case you didn't know, this is the 5th time I have moved schools. Considering my age (which unfortunately I cannot share with all of you), is a LOT. My transition from one school to yet another, has fortunately been ok so far, however it has kept me very busy. New friends, new teachers, new classes... It has been a bit stressful. And...that's not even half of what i have going on.

I also am a dancer and..guess what? I also am going through the struggle of finding a new dance studio. If any of you all are dancers, I'm sure you can relate when I say that not dancing for even a few weeks can be kind of hard because dancing is your way of expressing yourself as a dancer and not dancing is like not being able to express yourself. It's like if someone took away a writer's two hands and now you couldn't write. Figuring out which studio is right for me and is affordable is hard. I hope that if anyone knows of a good, affordable studio that they could do me the favor of mentioning it in the comments.

I also have two siblings who are crazy and sometimes make it a bit hard to sit down and focus on writing. My editor (who is my great friend)  also writes and is also very busy, so that is also a little obstacle sometimes. 

I will be more active from now on and I hope you all understand. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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