"Whatever, can we all go out to lunch tomorrow? I have nothing else to do" I pick at my nails, my eyes ready to close.

"Sure, do bother driving to school, I'll just pick you guys up from there" by now my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. I definitely needed to see him after this disastrous night.

"Alrighty" I say in a cheesy tone.

"Oh my god, you're so cheesy. And it's so fucking cute" he knew exactly what to say to make me cheeks redden and my heart pound.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said after laughing.

"Alrighty" he answered in the same tone that I previously did.

I laughed then hung up the phone, smiling like I never have before.

I didn't know someone could make me smile this much just by the simplest things.

My night was kind of restless because all I could think about was being cuddled up against Austin while he ran his long fingers through my hair.

I'm at the point where I'm becoming needy and clingy, wanting his touch all of the time.

I get ready for school and head out to catch the bus.

The school day couldn't have gone by any slower, but at least I had my phone to text Austin throughout it.

By last period, I was more than ready to leave. I was out of the door before the bell even rang and I heard my teacher yell at me for it.

I could care less as I ran over to Taylor's locker.

"Why are you so excited?"

"I'm just really hungry" I lied. I was filled with joy to see your hot father again.

I giggled at my inside remark and we walked out to see Austin's car sitting in the parking lot.

I smiled as we walked over, jumping in the back seats.

"Where to ladies?" he asked. As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we go.

I'm turning into a cliche bitch.

"I want burgers"

"Wendy's, here we come"

We pulled up to the house after getting our food and walked inside.

"Ladies first" Austin offered as Taylor walked in, me going in behind her.

I felt Austin's hand on my butt as he squeezed it causing me to slightly jump.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes playfully.

"I'm gonna go wash my hands" Taylor announced, running to the bathroom to do so.

Austin and I sat down on the couch and started pulling out the food.

"How was your day princess?" Austin asked as I sipped on my drink.

I felt my cheeks heat up at the pet name.

"It was fine, just long" I shrug.

"Is it better now?" He leaned over and pecked my lips.

"Much better"

"What's much better?" We immediately scooted away from each other and I acted like he was handing me something.

"I am feeling much better now that I have real food in my stomach other than that trash they call food at school" I lied. Well partially, I did feel that way.

"Yea, I can't believe they are allowed to feed that to us. You know that guy tommy? I heard he found an actual chicken foot in his food last week" she ranted.

"I doubt that" Austin retaliated.

"That's what he said" she shrugged while stuffing a fry in her mouth.

I don't know how it came to be, but soon we were all throwing fries at each other.

I was currently being chased by Austin into the hallway far from the living room where Taylor was starting to clean up the mess.

He had a packet of ketchup in his hand and was trying squirt it on me.

I screamed as he tackled me to the floor, laughing afterward.

We soon fell silent as Austin lay on top of me, breathing heavily. He leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth, leading down to my jaw and eventually my neck.

I was about to release a moan when I heard an angry voice.

"What the hell are you doing?"


I think I'm ready to end this book so this might be one of the last chapters. But comment if you want a sequel. Goal for this is 30 votes and 6 comments!

Wuv u biscuits😘


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