"Uhh... he's fluffy and soft and weird looking." The male was struggling for words.

Strange burbling noises filled the air and his face popped back into my view. Blinking his eyes, he stared at me.

"Ah, Rido. I see you're getting along with our baby," another voice joined in.

He disappeared, leaving me to stare at a white ceiling. I babbled while moving my hands and legs.

"Now, she wants you."

He came back in my vision, strong hands lifted me up in the air. He cradled me against him. A chuckle vibrated through his chest, making my little body shake. I warbled, drool bubbled from my mouth to wet his shirt.

"Look, she spit on my shirt," the man said. He lifted me up until I was close to his face. My small chubby hand raised and surprisingly hit his cheek. His eyes widened while mama's laughter bubbled in the room.

"She even slapped you, hun," my mama said in between her laughter.

I babbled at the astonishment on his face. He shifted me until his long arm supported my spine. His large hand cradled my head. He lifted a pointer finger to me with his other free hand. Naturally, I grasped it with my chubby fingers.

"Do you see this?" he asked. Pride glittered from his mismatched eyes. "She likes me!"

"Of course she will, hun," mama replied. Her pretty face came into my line of sight. Her dark eyes switched lovingly between me and him. "You're her father," she finished as she turned her head to Rido.

"It's just that..." Slightly, he shook his head. "My siblings never thought I could find happiness. I never thought I would find you."

Her arm snaked around him. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder. "We found each other."

I gibbered. They both glanced at me, a smile on their faces. "We have our sweet Kyyra. That's all that matters."

"Yes," he affirmed.


I was seated on a plush carpet, mama stood not too far from me in one her beautiful dresses. She always wore dresses and loved to make me wear them too.

Mama's dainty hands were on her knees. Her long and shiny pinkish and purplish hair fell over her shoulders in waves. Her dark brown eyes shone with hope.

"You might do it this time. Come on sweet Kyyra," she encouraged me. "Come to mama."

I put shaky hands down, feeling the softness on my fingers. My legs shifted from under me.

"That's it, crawl to me." She was waving her hands to me.

I tried to move but my bare knees rubbed hard against the carpet and my arms gave away. I fell face down on the ground. Mama started laughing, her happiness making my failure to move her seem like nothing.

Comically, I made a sound.

"Don't worry," she said as her footsteps approached me. Her hands gently clutched my sides and she helped me to sit on my bottom. She rearranged the pink fluffy dress I wore at my sides. "When you fall down, you get up and try again."

I babbled at her, making the corners of her pink lips raised into a smile.

"You want to try again?"

I said something in gibberish, my hands reached for her.

"Oh, all right. I'll give you hand." She picked me up and I sighed. There was no better place to be than in mama's arms.

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