the beautiful romance

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the toast slugded across the countertop, and son notixed cola and damn he hot budt he probably has little dingaling. but he hot and make him have tost bonur. it was h0t. so he lept down saying fuckdit and landied om dotp of him grasbbein an animoo gurl teet. they blosodhed. "oh mi gewwd im surry D:" toast say to cola. cola gasp. :hyosrs hot elsts fuck " "sounds good ok" toast says in reply. so tehy fuck endtering the dickie into the bunghole and they sget marrereied and hvae the same abmout do f kids ads they have follllowerxs.

But twesdy is thaxt oxne is Hermie gasp!!!

To be continuued

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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