The princess gets what the princess wants.

I frowned lightly,"Harry, am I fat?"

I felt him freeze under me, mid stride, and I looked down to see him biting his lip.

I groaned,"You think I'm fat, don't you? You do. See, you can't even answer."

Harry let out a breath,"Amelia, you're perfect. No, I don't think you're fa-" Harry paused when he felt a drop of liquid hit his neck,"Fuck, are you crying?"

I let out a wail when he dropped me on the bed, curling into a ball and choking on a sob.

I swear this isn't what I'm actually like.

When I looked at Harry, his eyes were wide, he looked so scared. Very similar to a deer caught in headlights. He shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot, looking between me and the door.

"You want to leave, don't you?" I sobbed quietly,"Whatever. Just go." I screamed while I threw a pillow across the room at him.

My aim was way off, so it didn't take much for Harry to dodge the pillow. More like the pillow dodged Harry by a mile.

"Amelia, go to bed." Harry whispered and kissed my cheek,"You really need it." Oh wow, the savagery.

I shut my eyes, and took a few breaths. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my lower abdomen. Right, now it made sense.

I chuckled, looking up at the green eyed boy who was still bewildered by my very sudden outburst. And as quick as it came, it was gone.

"I'm sorry," I giggled quietly.

Harry rolled his eyes with a soft smile,"That time of the month?"

"I'm due tomorrow." I mumbled quietly,"Sorry again." I smiled.

"It's okay. Gemma was worse. She'd get jittery, happy, sad, mad." He paused,"Everything at the same time." He said, pinching his nose with a smile while he seemed to remember a few instances.

"It didn't make her horny like I am, right now?"

I didn't even complete my statement before Harry's cheeks went red and he was out the door in a second, screaming at me to take a nap. I pouted, then giggled softly.

My prince.

"Hey, Harry." I called him from my spot on his lap, where I had a clear view of the insides of his nostrils, and might I say, it wasn't the prettiest sight.

"Y-yeah?" He mumbled, tearing his eyes from the tv to look at me.

"What happened to Gemma?" I asked warily, gaging his reaction. His face blanked quickly, void of all emotion.

"I don't wanna talk about it," He shrugged.


Harry sighed, and I removed my head from his lap and shifted away from him. "I'm sorry, Amelia. I just- don't want to talk about it."

"Harry, you can tell me anything." I started, and my heart stopped when I went to hold his hand, but he quickly pulled away.

Harry stood to his feet, eyes narrowing in on the door before he turned to face me. He contemplated something, then shook his head lightly, his gaze softening at the sight of me.

"I'm sorry, I just can't."

"Don't you trust me?" I asked when I stood up, and I moved to stand right in front of him. We were so close that I could feel his heartbeat, and I had to tilt my head backwards to look him in the eye.


"What happened to make you so closed off?" I murmured to myself,"The first day I met you," I recalled,"You're so closed off from the rest of the world, Harry. What the fuck happened? It can't be that bad. You need to let it go."

"You don't know what happened, so don't tell me to fucking let it go." He breathe quietly.

"That's why I'm asking you." I screamed, pushing against his shoulders lightly.

"Amelia, I'm not ready to talk about it."

"Come on, Harry. It's not that hard."

He shook his head,"You don't know." He basically growled.

"So fucking tell me." I screamed,"Don't you trust me? Tell me, Harry. I want to know."

"Yeah? We don't always get what we want."

"What the hell is it that's so bad?"

"I'll tell you when I'm ready Amelia, please." He went to grab my hand, but this time, it was me pulling away.

"That's how it all starts, with secrets." I shook my head, memories coming flooding back. "That's how it all begins." I pulled my hand away when Harry reached for me, stumbling back. "I should have thought of this before getting into this," I paused,"I had all the signs." I rolled my eyes at myself,"I shouldn't have gotten involved with someone like you."

Harry's fingers dropped from reaching to touch me immediately, and his shoulders slumped, his expression falling. His eyes widened, and the green in his eyes shifted to color I hadn't quite seen on him before.

I instantly regretted it, and my mind pushed to me to kneel in front of him and beg for his forgiveness. To tell him how that wasn't what I meant.

I didn't notice my eyes were closed until I opened them, only to see Harry at the door.

"And I shouldn't have thought someone like you could be different." He whispered and shut the door, before a dark quietness settled over the house. I stumbled back a bit, my feet hitting the back of the couch before I fell.

"Fuck, Harry. I'm so sorry."

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