chapter 2

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Ariel p.o.v

The next day was a little stressful. I had to get Nathan ready for his first day of school at Beacon Hills Elementary School.

"Come on, I don't you want you to be late on your first day." I said

Nathan said "Aw man, why do have to go to school?"

I rolled my eyes and said "Because, it is educational, I you don't want sitting at home playing video games."

Nathan said "Couldn't you just get me a tutor and home school me."

I looked at him and said "No that's too expensive, now come on so we don't be late."

We got into the car and I drove off. As I was driving, Nathan said "So what are you going to be doing today?" I said "Well, I'm going to find a job and visit your father." Nathan looked curious and said "I thought you said he died before I was born." I said "Yea, but I just found out that he is alive and is in the hospital." Nathan said "Can I go see him too?" I shook my head and said "No dear, but I will tell him about you." Nathan nodded and looked out the window.

After dropping Nathan off at school, I went to the hospital. When I walk in saying "Hi, I'm looking for Peter Hale." The women looked at me up and down saying "Who are you?" Ok she is a little rude. I said "I'm his wife." The lady started laughing and said "No, there is nothing here saying that he has a wife." I showed the lady my ring finger and a picture of me and peter. The woman was speechless. "Now, can I go see me husband." I said. The women nodded and told me where he was.

I walked into the room and my heart just stop when I saw him. I walked over to him and sat down. "Hey peter." I said. Nothing, he didn't say anything. I said "I'm back for good, we have a son, his name is Nathan." I pulled out a picture of Nathan and showed peter. "He looks just like you." I started laughing. "I wish you can talk me, I have to go but I will talk to you soon." I kissed his cheek, leaving the picture of Nathan behind.

End p.o.v

After looking for a job, Ariel finally found one doing receptionist work. After leaving from there, Ariel decided to go by the Hale house. When she pulled and got out of the car. She walked around the front remembering the times when she was babysitting Derek and Laura when they were little.

"What are you doing here." Said a stranger

Ariel turned around, jumping in fright and said "Oh my god, don't do that, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

The stranger walked up to her and said "You need to leave now."

Ariel got a good look at the person and her eyes got wide and said "Derek is that you, it's me Ariel."

Derek eyes got wide and went over to hug Ariel. "Sorry, it just been a long time since I seen you." Said Derek. Ariel said "It's ok, what are you doing here, where is Laura?" Derek said "She died, someone killed her." Ariel covered her mouth and silently cried. Derek hugs her and said "Everything is going to be ok." Ariel said "Do you know who did it?" Derek said "Someone who is now the alpha." Ariel said 'I can't believe this, I finally come back with my son and this happens." Derek pulls back and said "I have a cousin?" Ariel said "Yea, his name is Nathan." Ariel showed him a picture. Derek said "He looks like peter, have you seen peter yet?" Ariel nodded and said "Yea, I can't believe he is alive."Derek said "He is all I have left and know that you're here; I feel like that I'm not alone anymore." Ariel hugs him and said "I'm not going anywhere." Derek grinned and hugs her back.

Scott p.o.v

Stiles and I decided we should go to the hospital and check out the body. Stiles was the look out when I went to see the body. When I got there, and looked at the body, I could smell something coming off of the body. I ran back to Stiles and told him what smelled and told him that Derek killed that girl. We decided that we were going to dig the other half the body tonight. When we got there and dug it, we found the other half of the body.

End of p.o.v

The next day after Ariel had pick up Nathan from school, she decided to show him the house that she kind of grew up in. when they got there, and they saw police cars. She saw Derek being brought out in handcuffs. "Stay in the car Nathan." Said Ariel. When she got out she saw Scott leaning against Stiles car. She walked over to him and slaps him in the back of the head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" said Ariel

Scott said "Derek killed that girl in the woods."

Ariel looked from the police car and back at Scott saying "How do you know that there was a dead body in the woods?"

Scott looked down and said "Well, Stiles kind of drag me out that night, and left there and that's when I found half of the body."

Ariel said "You two are idiots, I know there more than you're telling me, but I will find out, now I want you and Stiles to go home." Scott nodded and got into Stiles car. Ariel saw Stiles run over and she slap him on the back his head. "OW, what was that for?" said Stiles. Ariel said "You know what that was for." She goes into her car and drove home.

Ariel p.o.v

I went to the lacrosse game and saw Stiles sitting on the bench. But I noticed that Scott was on the field. Nathan didn't understand the game, so I explained it to him the best way I can. Soon the game was over. I went over to the guys and saw my dad talking to Scott and Stiles.

"What's going on?" I said

Scott said "The body they found was Laura Hale."

I said "That's Derek sister and also Nathan cousins."

Stiles eyes got wide and said "Are we related to them?"

Ariel said "Yes, their uncle peter who is in the hospital, that's my husband and Nathan father."

After I told Stiles. He fainted.

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