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Bruce grabs the bag of blood that kara gave you and attaches it to
your medical pole(you know that thing in medical shows that has the bag of water, i don't know what it's called)

"Will it work" kara askes

"Only time will tell" batman answers

About 3 hours pass

and you finally wake up

you look around and see that your in the batcave, you try to sit up but are pushed back down by the pain in your stomach

as you lay back down kara walks into the cave and sees that your awake

"Y/N YOUR AWAKE'' she yells and runs towards you

''yeah and everything hurts like-"

your interupted by kara kissing you on the lips

you two separete

'' well that makes everything better"

kara laughs and kisses you again

all of a sudden your head starts hurting

you grab it and scream in pain

"batman get in here" kara yells

batman runs in and starts scaning you

"kara knock him out"he tells her

"what" she asks

" just do it" he says

'' sorry y/n i love you" she then hits you in the side of the head

she then walks over to batman

"no what happend to him" kara demands

'' he's kryptonian" batman answers

"what'' kara asked

" i might be the blood you gave him it turned him into a kryptonian"

"so why was his head hurting" kara askes

"it might be that his body has'int completely accepted the change" batman answers

-------------------TIME SKIP------------------------

You wake up without the pain in your head

You get off the medical bed and try to walk out of the batcave

But are stopped by kara

"You are not going anywhere" she says

You realise there is no point in arguing and lay back down on the bed

Kara sits beside you and strokes your hair

"Hey kara"

"Yeah y/n"she says

"Do you think when i'am healed up that we go on that date"

"Of course" she says

And kisses you on the lips

She then tells you that your kryptonian because she had to give you some blood or you would have died

"So i can fly?"

"Yes you have all the powers that i have" she answers

"Well this day just's gets better and better"

Injustice 2 supergirl x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now