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[edited 1/13/18] i was more at ease with this one so it hasn't really changed much.

I'm updating today even though I have no wifi YW :-)

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Michael couldn't get Luke off of his mind, but Luke wasn't the only one who had been flirting with him lately. Although, it made Michael feel a different way; if that made any sense. Luke made him feel like he was worth more than anyone else. Michael told this to Calum numerous times to which every time Calum would scoff and go on an angry rant about what Luke has done and how he was a bad person.

Like right now would be a perfect example of that; "But Calum he's so-" Calum could already predict what Michael would say. They had had this conversation so many times before. Calum he's so perfect. Calum he's so sweet. Luke this, Luke that. Calum had had enough.

"Michael, don't even finish that. He's not perfect and he's not sweet. He's toying with your emotions like the fuck boy he is. He's not even into boys, Michael!" Calum exclaimed, his face an angry shade of red as he huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf. Except he wasn't a big bad wolf, he was just trying to warn Michael. Protect the feminine boy he called his best friend.

The lilac haired boy shut up after that, once Calum spoke his truth, "He...doesn't like boys?" Michael asked quietly and Calum nodded, looking around aimlessly, anywhere except at Michael himself. Why did Calum feel so guilty looking into Michael's sad doe like eyes? Maybe because he didn't want to see the feminine boy so distraught. The tanned boy realized the strength of his words, biting his lip and continuing to avoid eye contact with those forest green eyes you could just fall right into.

"Y-yeah. He's just toying with your emotions. It's what he's best at." Calum muttered in a raspy voice and Michael shook his head in disbelief.

"Th-that can't be true; please tell me you're just messing with my head?" Michael pleaded, standing up and looking at Calum who still refused to look Michael in the eyes. It's not like Michael cared much about whether or not Luke liked exclusively girls, but he hated being toyed with. He hated it when people made him feel something - no matter what the feeling was - and then it turned out they were just toying with emotions for simple childish fun.

"I wouldn't lie to you Mikey." Calum said and ran a hand through Michael's angrily tousled up hair. The lilac color was faded and worn, much like the chipped and worn out nail polish that would be gone and replaced before school tomorrow.

"Then why won't you look me in the eyes?" Michael's voice was cracking now and Calum couldn't handle it as he began grabbing his things, ready to leave. Michael just didn't want it to be true; he was desperate for it to not be true. 

"Because I don't like seeing you sad."

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Michael wasn't sad anymore. He was pissed. He was angry. And his mood showed through with his choice of what he was wearing -  a good mixture of both black and red. Those were the boy's angry colors. A black fake leather skirt with black thighs highs that black bows at the top of the backs. Michael's shirt was a loose white t-shirt that tucked into his black skirt, though it wasn't an angry color. The boy had no shirts with those colors; not a plain one at least. His look was topped off with some makeup (black smokey eye shadow and eyeliner with a cherry red lip stain) and his black vans.

Calum had done a good job at avoiding Michael so far, taking one look at the boy's clothing choice - which Michael had mentioned were his 'angry colors' - and bolted the other way. No one wanted to mess with an angry feminine boy. The rest of the students seemed to understand that and more or less ignored Michael. Which he was fine with. His second day into school and he was already in the worst of moods you could possibly put him in.

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