Start from the beginning

"The Elder's- Fawlay's protectors –were the only ones that could revive the dead. But it's like- proper creepy I think they've only ever done it once. Face of Boe I think his name was- apparently he was some big shot important rich guy from the future or something else- what?" It wasn't hard to notice the realisation pooling on his features, cracking past the awe "you know him?"

"Bumped into him once or twice- I think." He spoke absentmindedly- he'd have to look more into that later.

"Oh, cool- anyway, all that life back from the dead stuff was really down to morality, you'd need to be like super level-headed and wise and reserved to be an Elder, drink from Ametrine Pond. They were Fawlay's creators too, the quartz opens the mind to so much knowledge and possibilities but you're born an Elder, you feel it when your mind feels ready."

Farren had a broken cadence of some mixed west and south London accent, but a royal tone of politeness slithered through at times with simple words. That was how he could tell he was a princess, manners were trained into the very depths of her system.

"Princess of Fawlay," He admiringly hummed, stunned but not obviously so. He, jokingly, swooped low to bow at her, behaving like one would went meeting a princess.

"Don't do that," she huffed out but failed to bite back the smallest smile as she pulled her tee shirt down off her shoulder alongside her braces. She could feel that the bullet was imbedded- shallow but tightly inside her flesh still.

Its weight shifted every time the slightest jolt of movement shimmied her shoulder- there was really only one thing she could do. Hesitantly, she stuck her fingers into the wound, the squelching noise of sloshing blood and skin was nothing on the hot pain that pulsated on her skin. Still- she pulled it out, not even giving it a second glance before throwing it to the ground.

The Doctor grimaced at the pool of fast-flowing blood that tried to escape past her caved palm. The skin of her hand shimmered and he noticed how gold veins glimmered even on her necks, how the light of her eyes amplified to torch-like intensity. Whispers of gold swam evenly in the air and he shoulder came in together like waves, overlapping, intertwining and melting into one. The process was magnificently entrancing, mystical and unbelievable if she hadn't willed his own skin to heal, if he hadn't felt the cool rush that relieved every small ache.

"S'bit impressive isn't it?" Farren lightly exhaled. She rolled her healed shoulder and was pleased at the lack of agony.

"Oh, very, I'd love to know how it properly biologically works." He spun to look up at the space where the building once was, their surroundings now seemed desolate. Everything was gone- humans cleverly ran away, cells followed the repaired ship, they stood alone on gravelly grounds and were glad about it.

"Doc," She rested her head onto her left shoulder, crossing her arms "Who are you?" Farren frowned. "Properly like, don't do the grown-up lying thing please."

He pocketed his hands, idly letting them fall into the hollowness as he looked over to her. He knew that Farren knew about Time Lords and Gallifrey- it was amusing that she hadn't caught on though he supposed, it wasn't that obvious.

He wondered if she'd ever properly seen Gallifrey, been to it, rushed on the red-grassed fields that ran for miles, swallowed by noises of infantile laughter. Before it all- burned.

With gentleness, he reached for her wrist and brought the stained palm to either side of the space just below his chest.

The two pulses were warm against her skin and Farren looked to the ground, then back up at him in shock. Needless to say- she didn't know how to react.

Golden Wanderer (DOCTOR WHO FAN-FIC)Where stories live. Discover now