Start from the beginning

"No amount of – surfing the web – gives you that fear of the Daleks, that impending hatefulness that runs your blood cold but you do nothing because you're terrified." That time a voice called out from the far left of the room, stepping in from the shadows was a man that looked almost identical to the second- and as Farren though about it –the first too.

"See the only possible explanation is- you're not human." A forth voice finalised from the far right then- like a cult-based film cliché, the four closed in on Farren, circling her.

"Oh, this has nothing on James Bond- right quadruplets, that's fun- bit cult-y" The nervous made way to the spot light as humourless laughter. Farren rolled her sleeves up "Look, skin. Human, see?"

It was a useless try, the skin pinched under her finger tips reddened. A human very seldom recognised an alien like her, but an alien didn't have such a hard time. And she guessed- quite rightly –that the James Bond Villain cult . . . thing, were very far from human.

"What a sweet try- no, our system scanned you and your father the minute you walked into the facility. Him flaunting his useless psychic paper and you rambling about other species, quite the eccentric pair." His sneer was condescending and Farren- wide eyed –was struck with the realisation that she wasn't the only one in danger.

"And you might've guessed, we don't have many of our paying customers rushing around naming the unnamed."

"Not unless they're an accomplice to them? Infiltrating the prison ship to break them out- successfully doing so with two this morning and following to gather the remaining fleet? We know what you're capable of, what you've already done- who's to say your energy hasn't been compromised and fallen to illicit habits."

Farren- feeling her heart beat in her ears –shook her head wildly to and fro. Suddenly terrified as two men grabbed her upper arms, pulling her back as she struggled. A third ripped her belt off. "No- no, no you've got it all wrong Cheshire man- Accomplice? What are you, crazy? God, no. What happened to Fawlay was the only way to save the universe! You think I wanted to do that? You James-Bond-villain-wannabe dick."

They barely regarded her yelps of protest and yet Farren didn't cease her flailing, nails ready to scratch and knees kicking out her legs on protest but nothing worked. So she did what she knew best- she rattled out curse after curse, some too morbid to even be recounted and she dreaded to think what her mother would have done to her tongue if she were around- probably would have cut it off and roasted it before feeding it to her. Bite your tongue.

"Farren of Fawlay," The first man began, the corners of his eyes quirked in a cringe as she yelled out exactly what she would do with his head if she got her hands on him- many had to admit that the princess was a fiery spirit and her time spent on Earth had only made her language more vulgar. Still- he watched her get thrown into a glass fish-bowl like cage, static with the energy of a force field to keep her at bay. "Welcome to Cell three-four-six."

The men threw her into the bowl with way too much ease and carelessly, almost like she was a flimsy rag doll and not an actual living being- she couldn't imagine what it felt like to breathe for a second as her back compacted against the steel ground, winding her.

Farren heaved- rude, she thought. Fine, in their books she was some big shot criminal, breaking out the big and the bad but it didn't mean they could flimsily throw her about. She flinched as she pushed her upper half up on her elbows and stayed in that form for a passing few seconds before standing up completely. Laying down didn't feel easy when encased in a glass tomb.

It was probably what the fish at the London Aquarium felt like- trapped and self-conscious as they were ogled at by pink and yellow smudges of nosy and terribly chatty humans. God, poor sharks. They were always her favourite; she'd sit in front of their double-glazed windows for ages just to get one to swim past her.

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