Chapter Two-Craig 21yrs Old

Start from the beginning

Annnnnd...that's our Q to leave...

"Right come on man," I say to Colton as we leave Russ's house and shut the door

"Lovely welcome back that man" Colton chuckles

"That's my brother for ya man! He's a fuckin caveman when it comes to amber" I chuckle I remember being the same with Catherine

"What did amber want you to go to club circo for? And what is it? Am assuming it's a nightclub" he asks

"Yeah man, we'll go if you want...we'll just stop at my house first and get a shower-change," I tell him and ring a cab

The way amber said for me to go to club Circo was cos she knew who'd be there...Catherine!! Fuck I've missed that girl something fierce! I can't wait to see her... Amber's sent me pictures of her, but I need to see her

Arriving at my mum and dad's house I knock at the door...

"Who the fuck is knocking on my door like that?" I hear my mum's distinct snarl before she answers the opens and she sees me.

She screams loud holding her hands to her cheeks "Oh my god! My baby! My baby boy has come home" she sobs "Chris" she shouts as she rags me in the house and Colton follows "Chris it's Craig! It's our boy...he's come home" she squeals happily then starts slapping me with a cloth "and why the fuck didn't you tell us you were coming home?" She snarls slapping me some more with her cloth as Colton chuckles behind me

"Ow ma!" I flinch chuckling  "it was a surprise," I tell her laughing

The woman's a fucking crank!

"Well colour me surprised you little bastard shocking me like that" she teases and hugs me tightly to her chest "Oh how I have missed you my sweet boy" she croaks

"It's okay mum" I croon "am home now, for good!" I tell her with a grin

"Well I'll be damned if it isn't my gone rogue son" dad teases as he appears "you get signed," he asks

I nod "3yrs with did Colton," I say gesturing behind me to where Colton is

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! Where are my manners! Pleased to meet you Colton" mum says hugging Colton tightly

"Please to meet you M'am" Colton squeaks

"Oh, good lord... I love that accent! Where are you from?" Mum coos at Colton "Oh and a cowboy hat, I love cowboys" mum giggles as she notices his cowboy hat

"Catherine!" Dad growls

Mum rolls her eyes at him "oh behave, Chris, he's Craig's age for god sake" she admonishes him "You are Craig's age aren't you?" She asks with a wink

"Woman!" Dad growls "you wanna a refresher course?"

"Am kidding...but I'll gladly take that course" mum purr giggles at dad

Oh, fuck no!!

"No! No!" I shudder "can you's at least wait until me and Colton have eaten and had a shower and a change of gonna take him out to town, show him around," I tell them

Mum's eyes light up "Oh you might see Catherine there then...she's at that club, what's it called again Chris," she asks dad

"Club Circo" Colton guesses in his heavy Texan accent and smirks at me knowingly fuck!!

Colton knows everything about Catherine and how she decided for us to break up so I could Pursue my career

"Yes! That's it..oh Craig you'd of been so proud of your girl today, she graduated with honours today" mum says proudly

My girl! She graduated? She did it? We did it!!

"Any chance you can cook us something to eat Ma? We're starving and the aeroplane food was shite," I ask her avoiding mum's statement

"Oh yes! I've got some leftover cottage pie in the oven, I could warm that up for you" she says already walking into the kitchen

"Thanks, Ma" I shout after her shutting the front door behind us all...

"Thanks, Mrs Berkeley" Colton shouts after her.

"Oh, you are welcome" mum shouts as she gets to work

"We're gonna go upstairs ma okay? Get a shower and change our clothes?" I tell her "is it okay if Colton stays here for a bit until we get our apartment?" I add

"Yes yes! Go baby boy...I'll have your food ready in a bit" mum shouts back "and of course it is..." she adds

An hour later were showered, changed (Minus Colton's cowboy hat cos that shit'll get you knocked out quick here) and fed waiting for a cab to take us into town

I'm coming for you Kitty Cat!!

Cat & Her Second Chance (Book 3 Of The "And Her" Series) (COMPLETED) (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now